Archive for the ‘U.K.’ Category

Queen Elizabeth II needs to depose PM Brown, restore freedom to the UK

November 25, 2008

queen elizabethBritain’s ruling Socialist “Labour” Party is jacking up the top tax rate to 60%.

The country also is close to bankruptcy:

There is now a palpable fear that global investors may start to shun British debt as the budget deficit rockets to £118bn — 8 per cent of GDP — or charge a much higher price to cover default risk.

The connection is obvious: The Socialist Party has driven productive people to other countries, or underground, while spending the country into penury.

Will Brits — or Americans — ever learn?

Queen Elizabeth II should dismiss Prime Minister Brown and his socialist cabinet and rule the country herself, eliminating income, capital gains, and business taxes — and ending the spendthrift welfare state along with all the Orwellian controls Brown, and his predecessor, Prime Minister O’Brien — excuse me, Blair — imposed.

Britain no longer is a real democracy and free country. So, Brits would be better off if their despot, Brown, was displaced by their beloved monarch as the locus of real power.

Yes, I know that the Brit royals, Prince Charles even more so than QEII, are a bit leftish.

hans-adamThat’s why the queen should take as her model Hans-Adam II, prince of Liechtenstein, who runs his country impeccably, with rock-bottom tax rates and sky-high freedoms. He actually said, “Our low taxes attract foreign depositors, and tax evasion is not a crime under Liechtenstein laws.” No wonder the country is booming.

He is her seventh-cousin, once removed. So, as we say in America, they’re, like, from the same ‘hood.

After the queen is done restoring freedom to Britain, she could start on the other countries in the Commonwealth, beginning with loopy, Soviet Canada.

Tyranny comes to Britain

November 27, 2007

big brotherAfter a decade of misrule by Phony Tony Blair, Britain no longer is free. In the latest news, a pregnant woman fled the country to prevent the government social workers from grabbing her baby after birth because she had some “mental” problems earlier in her life, which even the government says she’s gotten over.

Of course, as in other tyrannies, abortion is legal. So she could have dumped the kid that way. But she wants her baby.

So, here’s the deal: Murdering the baby is OK. The government grabbing the baby is OK. What’s not OK is having the baby and keeping the baby.

Britain has become the kind of tyranny Bush would invade if he had any troops left.

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Good riddance to Phony Tony

June 27, 2007

Clearly the worst Prime Minister in British history, Phony Tony Blair finally has left office after spending 10 years ruining the United Kingdom. Blair was the first Labour Party PM to figure out that, if he kept taxes reasonable, the economy would keep growing so he could impose socialism everywhere else.

The result is “Cool Britannia,” in which the government has put TV cameras on every corner as the country’s legendary liberties, which lasted a millennium, have been thrown in the trash can.

Blair also pushed Clinton to jointly attack Serbia in 1999, murdering 5,000 innocent Christians, to give control of Kosovo to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army.

And most notoriously, Blair was “lap poodle” to Bush’s attack on Iraq, making it appear that more than one dim-witted president and his advisers wanted to attack Iraq and plunge us into the quagmire of a senseless war from which we have yet to emerge.

As the infamous Downing Street Memo of July 23, 2002 showed — this was 8 months before the invasion of Iraq — Blair knew that Bush was cooking up phony reasons to attack Iraq. Yet Blair did nothing but go along with Bush’s lies. Here’s the key section of the Memo:

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

Note, too, the final sentence: The Bush regime had no idea what would happen in the “aftermath” of the invasion. That was in 2002, five years ago, and before the invasion. They still have no idea what to do.

A real friend of America would have warned us about what our deceitful leader was about to do. Blair was no friend.