Archive for the ‘Kennedys’ Category

Of course, Caroline Kennedy would win easily

December 28, 2008

CarolineIt amazes me that some people doubt that Caroline Kennedy would win easily if she seeks the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Madam Hillary. Of course, Caroline would win in a walk.

I hope she doesn’t run. She seems like a perfectly delightful socialite. Going into politics would ruin her.

Yet former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — for 2 decades the most powerful man in California politics — writes:

Reporters have been going through all of quiet Caroline’s voting history and all of her financial records to see whom she has been giving money to, and more importantly whom she has not been giving money to – namely the local Democratic Party.

It reminds me of my first run for mayor when the San Francisco media demanded to see all of my tax returns.

Well, Willie, who cares?

Columnist Stephen Chapman asks: “Is Caroline Kennedy actually qualified for the U.S. Senate.” He concludes she isn’t.

Well, Steve, what are the qualifications for the Senate? The are: Be rich and want to waste trillions of the taxpayers dollars. Carrie sure qualifies for that.

Given that there’s no GOP opposition anymore in New York — Bush took care of that — all Caroline has to do is win the Democratic nomination.

Forgotten Donkeys

Now, for Democrats, the name of President Kennedy stands on a political promontory. Nobody anymore remembers FDR (except to use him as an excuse for a New Deal-style fascist takeover of American industry under Obama).

Truman? Wasn’t that a movie?

LBJ is considered, rightly, the ogre who perpetrated the disastrous Vietnam War, which America lost — a kind of proto-Bush. Jimmy Carter was a sap. Bill Clinton, Democrats think, was a decent enough president, but he had that zipper problem. And now Hillary is eclipsing him as she soon will galavant around the globe imposing peace, prosperity, an end to global warming, and a cure for the heartbreak of psoriasis.


John JohnThat leaves JFK — political saint, martyr, Kennedy. Never mind his dalliances with Judith Exner and Marilyn, the latter herself now the premier female Hollywood (“Holy Wood”) icon.  Never mind the Bay of Pigs or that JFK almost got us nuked during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

He’s St. JFK to Democrats, and Caroline is his daughter. Even if you’re not old enough, surely you’ve seen the picture of young Caroline and John-John at their father’s funeral. (In the picture at nearby, John-John is saluting; Caroline is to his right, mostly hidden.)

Jackie’s girl

JackieOh, and let’s not forget that Caroline’s Mom was the incredible Jackie K-O, the knockout of presidential wives, later a great socialite in her own right. Her dignity helped America survive JFK’s death.

As First Lady, Jackie didn’t involve herself in politics, like Lady Bird Johnson’s stupid highway beautification program, or Nancy Reagan’s Stalinist “Just Say No” to drugs program, which launched a rein of terror across America, shredding our Bill of Rights protections.

Jackie took care of JFK, Caroline, and John-John, and redecorated the White House. She’s one of my heroines. What a gal.

So, although I hope Caroline doesn’t run at all, and I would hate her leftist politics, there’s no way she could lose.

Teddy Kennedy is lucky America didn’t impose his socialized medicine scheme

October 15, 2007

In all of his more than 40 years in the U.S. Senate, Teddy Kennedy has been trying to impose socialized medicine on America with the desperation of Mary Jo Kopechne gasping for air in the drink off Chappaquiddick Bridge.

But he’s lucky he didn’t succeed. If he had, right now he still would be in a months-long line to receive surgery to remove a partial blockage in his neck artery. Instead, he just completed the surgery successfully.

Of course, if America ever imposes his socialized medicine scheme, rich limousine leftists like him still could fly to a capitalist country, such as Switzerland or Red China, and pay for an operation. But the rest of us would be left behind to wait in long, Canada-style lines, suffering in pain, dying.

It’ll happen under Hillary.

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Democrats still addicted to tax increases

August 2, 2007

smokingI keep hoping Democrats will go back to JFK’s philosophy of favoring tax cuts. His tax cuts, enacted in 1964 after he was killed, put the boom in the 1960s economy.

But since then, Democrats have become obsessed with tax increases. LBJ imposed a 10% income tax surtax in 1968, causing the 1969 recession.

Democrats should realize that tax increasers usually lose, while tax cutters usually win. In 1991, the first President Bush broke his “Read My Lips: No New Taxes” pledge — and lost in 1992. In 1993, Bill Clinton increased taxes — and lost Congress in 1994. He won re-election after switching to a tax-cut program; Clinton actually cut capital gains taxes twice.

Yesterday the Democratic Congress passed a massive tax increase on cigarettes to pay for a Soviet-style takeover of even more children’s health care:

Representative Jim McDermott, Democrat of Washington, said, “Today’s debate comes down to this: Do you favor big tobacco or children?”

Actually, Big Tobacco isn’t going to pay for it, taxpayers will. And cigarette smokers nowadays tend to be low-income folks. So this is a tax on the poor. Moreover, cig taxes are so high now, especially in Taxifornia, that this tax, if it sticks, will create a huge black market. When Canada increased cig taxes this high in the 1990s, revenues actually dropped from cig taxes due to smuggling. The Canucks then cut their taxes back.

Bush is gong to veto this tax increase, as well as any others. But Democrats, who are the odds-on favorites to win everything in 2008, can’t stop doing things that hurt them — and the country.

Build the fence: The next step in immigration reform

June 29, 2007

Now that the Senate immigration amnesty bill has been defeated, the incredibly unwiedly and complex Bush “reform” bill can be dumped in favor of single actions. Bush and his good buddy Sen. Teddy Kennedy (D-Chappaquiddick) kept maintaining that reforms had to be all bunched together, sort of like how Teddy prefers Chivas Regal, a blended Scotch, instead of single-malt Scotches. (Teddy calls Chivas “that life-sustaining liquid.”)

But single-malt is what’s needed on immigration reform so we can examinewhite house each piece of legislation by itself. First up should be building a fence on the border with Mexico.

The White House has a fence around it. Many businesses and homes have fences, including Bush’s Crawford Compound. Every military base I was on back in my U.S. Army days had a fence around it. Why not the border, which the U.S. government owns?

GOP finally upset with Gov. Schwarzenegger-Kennedy-Shriver

June 29, 2007

Elephant is the right symbol for Republicans: slow to react. It’s taken four years for Republicans to realize that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy-Shriver is about as Republican as the Kennedy clan he married into. The Times reports:

As Republicans still reel over Schwarzenegger’s partnership with Democrats last year to enact curbs on greenhouse gas emissions, the governor is now championing a healthcare plan they say will be disastrous for the state’s economy.

The elephants also are holding up Arnold’s budget. Normally, passing a budget on time is a good thing. But not when it’s unbalanced and incredibly wasteful, as is Arnold’s proposal.

More, as soon as the budget is passed, Arnold and the Democrats will begin their final radical socialist surgery on California medical care, another idea Arnold got from “Uncle Teddy,” as he calls Sen. Teddy Kennedy (R-Chappaquiddick).

Republicans should take heart and hold up Arnold’s budget until doomsday, if they have to.

Send the 12 million illegal aliens to Massachusetts!

June 28, 2007

I heard Sen. Teddy Kennedy (D-Chappaquiddick) on the radio this morning blustering about the defeat of the Bush-Kennendy-McCain Amnesty bill — after millions of Americans called their senators and clogged the Senate switchboard. “Where will the 12 million go!” he shouted in that phony setentorian tone he gets when that immoralist begins lecturing us about our morachappaquiddickls. The 12 million are the estimated number of illegal aliens in America.

My solution: Send all 12 million illegal aliens to Massachusetts, then kick the state out of the Union. Then Teddy can finally become president of his own country. For all I care, he even could make Mary Jo Kopechne his vice president.

Then we’ll build a wall around Massachusetts.