Archive for the ‘Political correctness’ Category

Political correctness backfires on University of Michigan

October 30, 2007

The University of Michigan was a cesspool of political correctness even back when I went there for four semesters, 1973-74. I hated it so much I split for independent Hillsdale College, where I got my bachelor’s in 1977.

UM has gotten worse since then.

The university designed its stadium, in which its powerhouse football team plays, to accommodate the handicapped. It wasn’t enough to meet the dictates of federal regulators. The Detroit News reports:

Millions of dollars in federal financial aid to needy students at the University of Michigan may be in jeopardy because the university continues to discriminate against wheelchair users at its football stadium, according to the federal government.

U-M has 10 days to respond to a scathing report released by the U.S. Department of Education on Oct. 26, chastising the university for providing inadequate access to wheelchair users at its Michigan Stadium football games.

Calling the report surprising and unexpected, U-M leaders vehemently disagreed with the department’s findings, maintaining the university is fully compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and committed to accessibility.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Of course, if UM wants to be a real university, it would cast aside all government aid, including financial aid to its students — and not just federal aid, but state aid — and go it alone. When universities first were created in the Middle Ages by the Catholic Church, they were defined as being independent of the government, not totally dependent on it.

Yes, some research still is done in universities, especially in the hard sciences. But to a great extent they’re just scams to get tax money.

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