Archive for the ‘Libertarian Party’ Category

Bob Barr for president?

May 13, 2008

bob barrIt’s not like he’s going to be elected, or like my endorsement — or vote — will mean much. But I’m not yet going to endorse Bob Barr, who just announced he’s running for prez on the Libertarian Party ticket. A former federal prosecutor and U.S. congressman, Barr has been pretty decent on canceling Bush’s police-state assault on our liberties. He’s pro-life. And he wants to withdraw from Iraq, albeit maybe not right away.

But there’s no reason to delay withdrawal from Iraq. Just have the troops throw their weapons and secret documents and computers on their vehicles and drive to Kuwait. No reason to take the refrigerators, TVs, and air conditioners. All of those things together aren’t worth the life of one trooper.

He’s no Ron Paul. (But then, who is — except Ron Paul?)

One critic notes:

I have yet to hear an unambiguous commitment to immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Unlike Paul, he also has not promised to remove our troops from the other 150 countries in which they are stationed. Barr’s campaign website uses the rhetoric of non-intervention, but a perusal of the articles available on that same website gives the lie to any idea that he opposes foreign intervention.

Barr at least might give us a choice against the virtually identical big-government policies of Obama and McCain — although Obama also probably would end the war.

It’s also been a long time — Bill Taft was the last — since we’ve had a president with a moustache. This prejudice must end. An affirmative action program might even be necessary.