Archive for the ‘Jindal, Bobby’ Category

Let’s trade Gov. Arnold for Gov. Bobby

April 3, 2008

 bobby jindalIn major-league sports, teams often trade players to bolster their rosters. So why not trade politicians?

California should trade veteran Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to Louisiana for Gov. Bobby Jindal.

In Baseball terms, Arnold is fan favorite, but an aging, steroid-pumped designated hitter who mostly strikes out. Bobby is a hot rookie phenom who resembles Willie Mays, hitting for power and running like lightning.

Arnold has been a dismal failure as governor here for five years. After Gov. Gray Davis was recalled in 2003, Gov. Arnold was elected to solve the state’s chronic budget deficits and promised “action! action! action!” Instead, he has passed not a single balanced budget and only made matters worse.

By contrast, Gov. Bobby Jindal just was elected and is taking real action! action! action! Jindal, reports Erik Erickson, in just 4 months has enacted a major ethics reform and comprehensive tax cuts:

Many newspaper reporters across the state were stunned a Louisiana Governor would actually govern on the same issues on which he campaigned, and they were even more startled that the Louisiana legislature passed all eleven of the Governor’s tax initiatives, mostly by near unanimous votes. The only controversial bill was legislation to give tax deductions to parents who home school their children, yet even it passed.

Next, he’s going to work on school reforms, including school choice and performance-based pay for government school teachers.

And he’s doing all this as his state still recovers from Hurricane Katrina, and the government incompetence in the storm’s aftermath.

Gov. Arnold, ostensibly a “Republican,” blabs about “post-partisanship.” Gov. Bobby, by contrast, displays the competence and mastery of policies Republican governors once were know for.

Jindal is the son of immigrants from India. Although he has spent his career in government, he’s sort of like California state Sen. Tom McClintock in that he has used that experience not to plunder taxpayers, but to cut government and make it more efficient. Louisianans had the sense to put Bobby in their state house. California’s silly voters preferred Arnold’s glitz to McClintock.

mr. freezeIt looks like Jindal is going to wrap up fixin’ the Pelican State pretty quick. So why not trade for him? He would become governor of California puts the luster back into the Golden State.

Why would Louisiana want, in return, a massive failure, Gov. Arnold? After Gov. Bobby is finished, Louisiana will be fixed for good.

So new Louisiana Gov. Arnold would have nothing more to do than add Hollywood glitz and glamour to the New Orleans tourist industry.

That’s a fair trade.