Archive for the ‘Britney Spears’ Category

Free Britney Spears!

February 3, 2008

britney spearsNowadays in once-free America you can’t even be an eccentric crooner without being thrown in the loony bin. It’s like in the old Soviet Union where people the KGB didn’t like were dumped in a psychiatric “hospital,” called psykhushka, and pumped full of dope.

I couldn’t identify Britney Spears’ music if you paid me a million dollars. And I almost never watch TV news. But over the past few days I’ve been watching the local news to see how they’re covering California’s primary election. But the news from the Los Angeles TV stations has been dominated not by the campaigns, but Britney’s travails.

The news-spinners took special delight in showing a cop motorcade, with lights flashing in the dark night, escorting her ambulance to the hospital. The escort supposedly cost taxpayers $25,000.

Yet it’s an outrageous tyranny that the government put her away because of her alleged bad behavior.

She never really threatened harm to herself or others. If she had, they would have charged her with criminal conduct.

Her baby already has been take away and given to her ex, the baby’s father.

Yet according to this report:

Court Commissioner Reva Goetz ruled the day after Spears was hospitalised – and following a year of increasingly bizarre public behaviour – that someone should take over the singer’s personal and financial affairs.

She named Spears’ father, James Spears, as his daughter’s conservator and made Spears’ father and lawyer Andrew Wallet conservators of the pop star’s estate.

Goetz granted the conservator access to all Spears’ medical records, as well as the right to restrict her visitors and to provide her with around-the-clock security.

A court creates a conservatorship when it concludes a person no longer can care for themselves or their personal and financial affairs.

Goetz also issued a restraining order, keeping Sam Lutfi, the pop star’s friend and sometime manager, away from her.

Any person has the right to spend his money how he sees fit, even waste all of it. Taking that right from Britney is an outrage.

What about the First Amendment right to “freedom of assembly,” which means seeing whatever friends you want? I don’t know anything about Lufti, and don’t need to know. He’s Britney’s friend, not mine. And she has every right to see him if she wants to.

And what do these psych jockeys know anyway? Ask three of them what’s wrong and they’ll give you 50 different answers. It’s the psych jockeys who themselves are schizos.

The news reporters talking about Britney should check out the works of Thomas Szasz. He has pioneered the ways in which government, especially in supposedly free countries, has used psychiatry to control us. His Web site summarizes a 2002 book of his, “Liberation by Oppression: A Comparative Study of Slavery and Psychiatry.”

It notes that, at its origins in the 17th Century, psychiatry was coercive, with the “establishing of madhouses and the legal empowering of doctors to incarcerate persons denominated as insane.”

At the end of the 19th Century,

The advent of private psychotherapy, at the end of the nineteenth century, split psychiatry in two: some patients continued to be the involuntary inmates of state hospitals; others became the voluntary patients of privately practicing psychotherapists.

Through most of the twentieth century, psychiatry was a house divided–half-slave, and half-free. During the past few decades, psychiatry became united again: all relationship between psychiatrists and patients, regardless of the nature of the interaction between them, are now based on actual or potential coercion. This situation is the result of two major “reforms” that deprive therapist and patient alike of the freedom to contract with one another: Therapists now have a double duty: they must protect all mental patients–involuntary and voluntary, hospitalized or outpatient, incompetent or competent–from themselves. They must also protect the public from all patients.

That is, the psychiatrists have a “duty” to impose tyranny on their “patients.” There is no trial, no right to confront one’s accusers, no jury of one’s peers. And anyone, not just a pop star, can be the psychiatrists’ victims.

Poor Britney. When she gets out of the psykhushka and regains control of her money, she should leave America and take her millions out of America to a free country — if there are any left.