Archive for the ‘9/11’ Category

Homeland “Security” Dept. = ECOMCON

June 27, 2007

It’s always good to remember that the 9/11 attacks occurred because of U.S. government incompetence. The government let in the immigrants that hijacked the four planes. The government disarmed the planes’ pilots, leaving them defenseless against the hijackers. The government didn’t even have fighter planes in the air to shoot down the hijacked planes.

The incompetent government’s response to its own deadly incompetence? More government!

It’s still doing it. The Department of Homeland Security, a bureaucratic monstrosity the Founders would have abhorred, keeps expanding its powers. Boss Michael Chertoff now insists:

Everybody says they believe in security, but when it comes time to accept a little bit of inconvenience or impingement on their business model, they go, ‘Oh, we don’t want to do that, it will hurt our business,’ Anybody who says they don’t want to take adequate security measures have to ask themselves if they’d feel differently if their child perished in the thing that occurred because we didn’t take that measure.

Always they bring up the children. Give us your liberties, they say, or your children will die. The quote comes from an article describing the DHS’s new National Infrastructure Protection Program — really an infrastructure of tyranny. Where is that in the Constitution? Of course, it’s nowhere. As Joe Sobran says, “Anything called a program is unconstitutional.”seven

This new program also reminds me of the movie “Seven Days in May,” about an attempted military takeover of America through a new program called ECOMCON, which stands for “Emergency Command and Control.”

And who knows what the tyrannical Bush regime will attempt next May.