Archive for the ‘2012 Election’ Category

Paul and Paul in 2012

July 2, 2009

Let me be the first to say it: Paul and Paul in 2012.

That is: Ron Paul and Rand Paul in 2012. Or: Paul and Paul in 12. Or: Ron Paul and Rand Paul in 12.

Ron Paul should run for president again — and his son Rand should run for vice president!

Rand PaulHere’s the formula:

Ron Paul + Rand Paul = Victory

For short:

Paul + Paul = Victory

It would be the greatest ticket in American history, and give Republicans their only chance to beat President Vladimir Ilich Obamov.

Ron Paul you know about. The Texas congressman was the only Republican or Democratic candidate in the 2008 election who supported restoring the U.S. Constitution, liberty, and economic common sense, such as abolishing the inflationary demon known as the Federal Reserve Board.

He warned, for years, that war, Federal Reserve inflation, and massive deficits and debt would ruin America, and the Bush Depression of the past 2 years has proved him right.

Meet Rand Paul

Randall Paul — Rand for short — is Ron’s son, and a chip of the old Ron. Rand, like his pop, is a medical doctor, meaning he has competency and experience in a field outside politics — unlike about 99% of politicians. And he holds his father’s views on the Constitution, the wars, the economy, etc.

Now, for 2010 Rand is running for U.S. Senate from Kentucky. Here are some short videos of his positions. And unlike almost every politician ever heard of, he actually believes his positions, and would do his best, in office, to implement them.

Naturally, Rand is being opposed by Kentucky’s corrupt Republican establishment, which is running a Clinton Democrat against Rand in the GOP primary!

As in 2008, rather than have a Paul come to office and start restoring the Constitution and decency to government, they’d rather have a Democrat win and maintain the corrupt existing system.

Here’s Rand Paul’s Web site. If you can, click here and send him a few campaign bucks. He’ll need them against the filthy money the Republican establishment is throwing against him in the primary — which really is your tax money flushed through the sewers of  Wall Street firms and other corrupt entities as “bailouts,” then sent out to pollute our democracy.

1776 — That’s the Spirit!

However Rand does in his Senate bid in 2010, he should be on the national ballot with his father in 2012.

Paul and Paul in 2012 —  it’s a ticket made in the Spirit of 1776.