Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Met the new Oppressor, same as the old Oppressor

January 20, 2009

obamaI watched President Obama’s Inaugural Address and expected the 1.4 million worshippers there to start drinking Kool-Aid like at Jonestown. Maybe it’ll be passed out later — to all 300 Americans.

In Obama’s speech, I didn’t hear anything showing he would reduce even a little the immense oppressions imposed by the government he now heads. Instead, he’s going to increase them. So, there’s no real change from Bush. The only change will be in emphasis:

The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.

That’s his version of the Declaration of Independence‘s “all men are created equal” — that is, have equal rights, although certainly not equal abilities or accomplishments. But in Obama’s version, government will force you to make sure “all are equal.”  That means even more quotas, set-sides, and discrimination than under Bush — and not just for races, but genders, “sexual orientation,” handicaps, etc. It means the further stratification of the society.

Oh, and politicians always invoke “God” right before they’re going to violate one or more the 10 Commandments. It’s amazing there aren’t more atheists.

Government isn’t the problem, government is the solution

He’ll also continue Bush’s oppression of vastly expanding the government. Bush increased domestic spending faster than any president since LBJ 45 years ago. Obama promised:

What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them – that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works – whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.

Translation: Bush’s increases in government’s size and powers will continue.

Obama indicated no way out of the economic Depression Bush bequeathed to him. Instead, we’re going to just get more of the disease: government.


Obama also indicated he’ll be a willing tool of the Empire:

that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace….

To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds. And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world’s resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.

Translation: America will continue to keep meddling everywhere, all the time. He also promised to “roll back the specter of a warming planet” — even though the earth now is cooling.

But fighting global “warming” will mean vast new powers for the government over the economy, and special contracts worth trillions to those favored by Obama.

I heard nothing in his speech that showed even a hint that Americans’ ancient liberties would be restored, instead of further abridged.

Finally, as he took the Oath of Office, the usually smooth-talking Barack mangled the words Bush-style. Maybe the team on the new TV show “Lie to Me,” who detect deception in speech patterns and body language, can explain to us what it all means.

Pray for record cold, snow for Obama’s inauguration

January 15, 2009

chicago snowGlobal “warming” obviously is a hoax. Today, Jan. 15, 2009, Flint, Mich. has record cold temps. It’s 19 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, way below the previous record on this date of 10 degrees in the negative set in 1914.

Chicago has record snowfall, with record cold expected. That’s where Obama is from.

Yet in 5 days, Obama will give his Inaugural Address, which will warn of “global warming” and “climate change” — or words to that effect — and propose massive new regulations and government programs to lower the temperature. Maybe he should say, “I promise you, Flint Michigan, 19 degrees below zero isn’t cold enough! Next year, it’ll be 29 degrees below zero!”

So, we should pray that Obama’s Jan. 20 Inaugural is met with record cold and snow. That also would discourage the expected 2 million people from coming to his Inauguration to celebrate “change you can believe in” — really delusion you can dupe yourself with.

A fine novelist named William Gerhardie wrote a non-fiction book titled “God’s Fifth Column: A Biography of the Age 1890:1940,” in which he points out that, just when you think things are too bad or ridiculous to tolerate, God comes along and does something to make a joke of the current thinking and turn things around. Maybe a cold snowstorm on Jan. 20 would be that, maybe it wouldn’t; and maybe it’ll be a record warm day. Who knows. I’m not making a prediction.

But, in this case, I’ll have the “audacity of hope” to pray for inclement weather for Washington, D.C. on Jan. 20.

Obama will cut government spending as America continues its desent to Third World status

January 9, 2009

With Obama demanding an $800 billion “stimulus,” how can my title be right: “Obama will cut government spending…”?

Because his “stimulus” won’t stimulate, but depress the economy even more while igniting yet more inflation. The economy is going to keep crashing through at least his first 2 years in office.

Today, the new figures show unemployment at 7.2%. That’s the highest in 16 years, since January 1993, when the previous President Bush was leaving America in a shambles as he shambled out of office. (We must have been a baaaaaaad country to deserve not one, not one-and-a-half, but two Bushes.)

Unemployment now is increasing at 0.4 percentage points a month, or 4.8 percentage points a year. If that holds up, in a year, unemployment will be 12%, and in two years, 16.8%. In three years, 21.6%. (And let’s remember that the government cooks these figures; so the real unemployment numbers actually are higher.)

Obama, the Democratic Congress, and the media will blame the Depression on Bush. They’ll be right about Bush causing the Depression, but not about its continuation, which will be their fault. They’ll get away with the misdiagnosis and their own disastrous mistakes for a couple of years, maybe longer.

The “stimulus” will be paid for by printing money — inflation. We already have inflation from the Bush debacle.

Obama = Bush

So, Obama’s “change” is a “stimulus” that’s the same thing as the Bush disease: wild spending, deficits, debt, more government controls, inflation. The deficit this year is supposed to be $1.2 trillion. Throw in the $800 billion “stimulus,” and that’s $2 trillion in new debt just in a couple of weeks.

Pretty soon, foreigners in China, Japan, and elsewhere are going to stop loaning us money as they have during the Bush debt spree. Or they’ll demand really high interest rates that will cost the U.S. treasury even more.

We well could have wage-and-price controls, as under Nixon, higher taxes, and even more government regulations, such as banning transfers of money out of America.

The result will be an even sharper economic downturn. A smaller economy will not be able to support all the government Obama wants. So, he’s going to have to start cutting, probably beginning with America’s vast foreign military commitments. I expect he’ll start with areas that are peaceful now, such as Japan, Korea, and Europe. South Korea’s economy is 40 times that of communist North Korea, and it has twice as many people. Why are we still stationing troops there?

Then he’ll have to cut entitlements, especially Socialist Security and Medicare.  Soc. Sec. recipients just got a whopping 5.8% increase this year (did you get a 5.8% raise in your job?). But, with the baby boomers beginning to retire, the only way to afford such lavish increases is to have a rapidly growing economy. But we’ll have a rapidly shrinking economy. So benefits will have to be slashed.

Don’t get sick 

They’ll also start euthanizing sick old folks, as in Holland. (It’s the ultimate Dutch Treat: go in for a hip replacement, come out in a body bag.)

Medical care in the last year of life costs 30% of Medicare’s costs. So, shuffle those folks off this mortal coil a year early, and you cut Medicare expenses by 30% — and Socialist Security expenses by 30% to boot.

Of course, inflation will show that the government’s expenditures are “growing.”  But adjusted for inflation, expenditures actually will be declining.

Third World USA

As Peter Hitchens noted after the election, America rapidly is becoming a Third World country.

By invading numerous Third World countries — Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan — Bush dumped America into Third World-status. From “sole remaining superpower” to basket case in 8 years.

And Obama will only make things worse.

On the positive side, there won’t be any money for the Bush-Neocon-Obama global empire.

Be prepared

So my advice is, stock up on a good supply of bourbon and cigars before inflation and taxes jack the prices way, way up.  Even in a Depression one can’t do without the essentials.

Man of the Year: Ron Paul

December 11, 2008

ron paulPretty soon, Time magazine (is it still in print?) will be naming its “Person of the Year,” formerly, in pre-P.C. language times, Man of the Year. They almost always get it wrong.

No doubt this year it’ll be Obama. But, as we’re now seeing even more clearly with his cabinet appointments, he’s just another Establishment hack who does what the Establishment tells him.

The real Man of the Year is Ron Paul, for reminding the country — and the world — about the importance of freedom. Everybody talks about freedom, but every other candidate this year, Donkey or Elephant, wanted much more government and much less freedom.

Only Ron Paul wanted to dissolve most of the central government and return American to the limited-government roots of our Founding Fathers.

Young people, especially, responded to his message, and flocked to his campaign. Unfortunately, the GOP Establishment stuck us with old, crazy, bipartisan, loser John McCain. I still wrote in Ron Paul’s name in the November election.

Paul also was the only candidate who warned that the Iraq War was bankrupting the country, and that the inflation and debt used to pay for the war would bring economic ruin. Like Cassandra, he was right, but nobody listened to him. The economic crash began in earnest in mid-September, just as John McCain was enjoying his only bounce to the top of the polls, after he appointed Palin his V.P. nominee.

After that, McCain crashed and burned.

Now we’re stuck with Obama, whose immersion in the corrupt Chicago political machine only now is being examined by the MSNM (MainStream Neocon Media).

Ron Paul would have saved us.

Instead, we’re just going to suffer badly.

Nurse Ratched medicine

December 2, 2008

nurse ratchedThis L.A. Times “news” article includes at the start not just one, but four phrases that make you reach for your rapidly thinning wallet: “prospect of bold government action,” “players across the ideological and political spectrum,” “a consensus appears to be emerging in Washington,” and “unprecedented government intervention.”

The Bush regime already took us much farther in the direction of socialized with its socialized prescription drug scheme for seniors. That added $40 billion-plus to the federal deficit.

The article describes the “consensus” socialized health scheme soon to be imposed on us. Under Obama, we’re going to go all the way, like the Europeans and Canada, adding yet more zeroes to the deficit and national debt and burdens on the taxpayer.  It’ll be done for the benefit of the government’s favorite healthcare worker, Nurse Ratched.

The whole country is going to be turned into a gigantic ward in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

I’m working on my Jack Nicholson impersonation.

Porkbarrel Porkbarrel Porkbarrel

November 25, 2008

Obama is big on his new make-work program, which supposedly will create $2.5 million jobs. It reality, it will only divert productive private resources to politically favored government waste. But yet…

Obama said a key component of any economic stimulus package would be spending on infrastructure projects, such as fixing roads or bridges, which could help ease the budgetary headaches now being experienced by state and local governments.

At the same time, the Chicago Democrat warned that the selection of which locally based projects to support would be based on need and not political back-scratching.

That would be a first for a Chicago politician.

Of course, the real reason for this spending is to support projects in Democratic districts to help Democrats win in elections in 2010 and 2012. As Steve Sailer points out:

A lot of state and local governments will need bailing out, most notably California, to prevent massive layoffs of civil servants. I expect to see, in the spirit of bipartisanship upon which Obama campaigned, a summit meeting between President Obama and Governor Schwarzenegger in which Obama hands tens of billions to California to meet payroll and even hire some more paper pushers and social workers. That’s what Obama’s entire career has been devoted to: taking money from productive people and hiring people like himself to collect paychecks while failing to solve social problems. That’s his base.

And unlike Republican presidents — such as Bush — who almost always sell out their base, Obama won’t sell out his. Instead, they’ll get the porkbarrel, the gravy, the apple pie, and the cooking sherry.

Under Obama, his Democratic base is going to think every day is Thanksgiving.

And it’s taxpayers who are going to get their heads chopped off.

Change you CAN’t Believe in

November 25, 2008

hillary obamaSo much for Obama’s promise to change the way things work in Washington, District of Criminals.

It just was reported that Robert Gates will stay on as Defense Commissar. What happened to Obama’s promise to get us out of Iraq? Gates is the architect of the current escalation in Iraq.

Then there’s Hillary. Obama beat her in the primaries because Democrats rebuffed her call to stay in Iraq, while embracing Obama’s call to get out. She’s going to be Foreign Affairs Commissar.

Oh, and just two years ago, in 2006, American voters put Democrats in charge of Congress specifically to end the Iraq war. They didn’t. The top Democratic henchman in Congress backing the Iraq war has been Rep. Rahm Emanuel — who now will be Obama’s chief of staff. Emanuel also was a Clinton operative.

Obama’s economic Commissariate is made up of Clinton regime retreads. Plus Federal Reserve hack Timothy Geithner will be Treasury Commissar. Geithner is a protege of Robert Rubin, the Clinton Treasury Commissar — and former top guy at Goldman Sachs. It’s the Federal Reserve Board that has debased the dollar, giving us inflation and the current economic meltdown.

So G-S will still be running things, as it did under Clinton, and as it continues to do under Bush, whose Treasury Commissar is Paulson, another former top boss at Goldman Sachs. G-S is a big bailout recipient. That’s why I call this the United States of Goldman Sachs.

The Obama administration is such a small departure from the recent past that we might as well have canceled the election, saved a couple billion in campaign costs, and let Bush keep running things.

Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses.

Why hasn’t President Obama cured computer viruses?

November 25, 2008

Two days after the election I was expecting a Word document. I then accidentally opened a different Word document in a spam that contained a virus. I know better. But it was late and I’d had a couple shots of Dewars.

Almost 3 weeks later, I’m still fighting the virus.

But why hasn’t Obama taken steps to stop these viruses? The virus hit my computer 2 days after he was elected. Instead of all that celebration, he should have solved our problems, beginning with the virus on my computer.

Why is there no crash program to solve this problem? Solving it would add trillions of dollars to the GDP, pulling us out of the Bush-Greenspan-Neocon Depression. We’ve had 8 years of Bush doing nothing about computer viruses.

Where is the “Change we can believe in” concerning computer viruses? My “audacity of hope” for a cure for compter viruses is running toward despair.

Obama talks about more health-care coverage for Americans. Shouldn’t that include curing computer viruses?

The United States of Taxia

November 20, 2008

This is one of those times — the early 1990s was another — when our Masters in Government tell us that higher taxes are the solution to all our problems, from the economic meltdown to the heartbreak of psoriasis. President Obama wants to boost federal taxes. And Gov. Arnold wants to boost state taxes out here in Taxifornia.

But consider this chart of income tax rates around the world. The darker the color, the higher the tax rate. It’s from this Wikipedia article:

tax rates

You can see that the USSA — the United Socialist States of America — has among the highest top tax rates in the world, higher than neighboring Canada and Mexico. We’re also higher than our major economic competitors, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Russia, and most countries in Europe.

America’s economy is not going to get moving again until we cut taxes, not increase them. America is over-taxed, over-governed, and soon will be over-Obamaed.

I was right from the start about Georgia causing its war with Russia

November 14, 2008

When the Georgia-Russia War broke out more than 2 months ago, I immediately wrote that Georgia provoked it by invading South Ossetia, a breakaway country. After that, I wrote several more blogs, keeping my constant readers informed about what really was happening.

But the Bush administration, McCain, and Obama perpetrated the lie that Russia first invaded Georgia. The major media held that as well.

Now, the eyewitness accounts of impartial Western observes have proved that Georgia — or rather, its U.S.-backed government — began the war by invading South Ossetia and indiscriminately shooting up the place.

The Independent just ran a summary of the recent findings. The conclusion:

But surely it does matter, crucially, how this conflict began. It matters legally and morally. And it is bound, rightly so, to affect how we view the two countries concerned. Yet the general fuzziness of official US and British accounts left the impression that Russia was the guilty party, and Georgia a brave little democracy that big bad Russia wanted to snuff out. Not only did this version gain almost instantaneous acceptance, but it was almost impossible for Russia to contest, confirming as it did every existing negative stereotype.

What has now transpired, however, is that the US and Britain had no excuse for not knowing how the war began. They were briefed by the OSCE monitors at a very early stage, and those monitors included two highly experienced former British Army officers.