Archive for the ‘Hillary’ Category

John Kerry: Clueless as always in his new attack on Rush Limbaugh

May 7, 2008

kerryEver wonder why John Kerry lost in 2004, when he should have won? The guy’s clueless — about everything. In 2004, he would have won if he had fought back against the Swift Boat charges and come out against the Iraq War — instead of proposing the escalation that came to be called, when Bush used it in 2007, the “surge”

Now Kerry’s blabbing about Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” to get Republicans to vote for Hillary:

Rush Limbaugh was tampering with the primary. If it was not for Republicans taking Democratic ballots, [Obama] would have won [in Hoosierland].

What he calls “tampering” the First Amendment protects as “the freedom of speech, or of the press.”

I’ve criticized Rush’s Operation Chaos — calling it Operation KAOS. Instead of hurting Obama, prolonging the race actually helped him by getting Hillary to extend her attacks on Obama, thus flushing out material — like the Rev. Wright business — that would have come out later.

But Rush has the right to say anything he wants. It’s called freedom, something Kerry knows little about.

Kerry is supporting Obama. One hopes Obama has the sense to distance himself from Kerry, not only during the campaign but in the staffing of the President Obama administration.

Obama’s big North Carolina win again refutes Rush Limbaugh’s silly Operation Kaos

May 6, 2008

siegfriedI heard Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes. He’s still advancing his “Operation Chaos,” in which he urges Republicans to switch parties and vote for Hillary to keep the Demo primary going, supposedly hurting Obama and helping McCain.

As I pointed out, it really should be called “Operation Kaos” after the evil secret organization in “Get Smart.” Would you believe Rush is Siegfried and McCain is Shtarker?

shtarkerAfter McCain/Shtarker sings, to the tune of “Barbara Ann,” “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” Rush/Siegfried shouts, “Zis is Kaos! Ve don’t ‘Barbara Ann’ here!”

All Operation Kaos has done is let Obama get rid of some baggage he was carrying around, such as his association with Rev. Wright. If Obama had won the nomination two months ago, that situation would have hung around, untested, until October, when the Republicans would have sprung it on him. It would have been the old October Surprise trick, but now the Republicans can’t use it.

Operation Kaos forced the Clinton smearbund, which is better than anything the Republicans have, to vet Obama.

As of the time I write, Hillary may have won Indiana, but by a smaller margin than Obama won NorCarolina, and it’s a smaller state. (She may go to lose, pending the vote count in Gary.) Given that these are two most fanatical basketball states in the country, she would have been better off challenging Obama to a one-on-one on a hoops court.

hillary obamaI suspect she’ll quit pretty soon. She won’t want to offend the black voters that are overwhelmingly backing Obama, so she can get them in 2012, if Obama loses this year, or in 2016, if he wins, which he will.

Democrats will close ranks around Obama and begin attacking McCain, who’s had an easy ride the last few months. Return attacks will be weak because Operation Kaos already used up all the ammo against Obama. (Rush to McCain: “Sorry about that, Chief!”)

It’s a shame Rush didn’t use his voice for niceness instead of evil.

Get ready for President Obama, who will break all sorts of barriers by becoming the first American president whose last name begins with an “O.”

And loving it.

Hillary: Warrior Princess vs. OPEC

May 6, 2008

I was stationed as a Russian linguist in the U.S. Army in West Germany from 1979-1982. This was the height of the American hostage crisis in Iran and the global “energy crisis.” In my unit was a staff sergeant (E-6) who had this elaborate fantasy about how he would end the problems with Iran and energy.

He would gather a group of guys riding extended choppers like the one Peter Fonda rode in “Easy Rider.” They would invade the Middle East, free the hostages, take over the oil fields, cut prices, and flood the world with cheap oil.

hillaryI thought about the staff sarge when I read that Hillary, in her Warrior Princess mode, said she would confront OPEC for jacking up oil prices. It’s part of her attempt to appear “macho” for Rust Belt blue-collar workers. Ben Smith reports:

“We’re going to go right at OPEC,” she said. “They can no longer be a cartel, a monopoly that get together once every couple of months in some conference room in some plush place in the world, they decide how much oil they’re going to produce and what price they’re going to put it at,” she told a crowd at a firehouse in Merrillville, IN.

“That’s not a market. That’s a monopoly,” she said, saying she’d use anti-trust law and the World Trade Organization to take on OPEC.

As I tried to explain to the staff sergeant 28 years ago, the problem isn’t OPEC, which then as now only is responding to the U.S. government inflating the dollar. If the dollar drops in value by 2/3, why shouldn’t oil producers triple their prices?

It’s worth mentioning again the Wall Street Journal article from January, still relevant, which shows that oil’s price has held steady against gold the past 7 years. It proved what I’ve been saying for 7 years — or, really, for 37 years since I was in high school and in 1971 Nixon began the 1970s inflation by taking us off the gold standard. So OPEC isn’t “cheating” us, the U.S. government is cheating us by devaluing our money.

Here’s Wall Street’s nice chart:

gold and oil
As you can see, oil’s price has held steady against gold, a 1:1 ratio (more or less). But it’s the dollar’s value that has eroded so quickly.

You, my constant blog readers, understand what’s going on.

But Hillary wants to be out there in the Arabian desert riding a chopper next to my staff sergeant as they charge the Saudi oil fields.

easy rider

U.S. Snooze: More Big Government needed — right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right

April 29, 2008

Bush has increased Big Government faster than any Supreme Leader since LBJ. His Big Government Iraq War is costing from $3-5 trillion. Big Government’s Federal Reserve Board is inflating the dollar, forcing us all to pay big money for gas, food — eventually, everything. Big Government chokes our lives as never before, riding herd on our once-free people.

So what does U.S. News & World Report say we need? Why, even more Big Government! —

Here’s a little straight talk: Whether you pull the lever (or fill in the oval or touch the screen) for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or even John McCain in November, you’re probably still going to end up in 2009 with a push for Big Government of the sort not seen in a generation. More taxes. More regulation. More spending. “It’s going to be like watching That 70s Show,” says Daniel Clifton, political analyst at Strategas Research Partners, which provides research to institutional investors….

If we are about to see the onset of Big Government 3.0 in earnest, future economic historians might well point to the housing-spawned credit crunch as the catalyst. The Federal Reserve’s recent power play—instigating the takeover of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan Chase and backing up the deal with $30 billion in loan guarantees—was unprecedented, as was its move to open up its discount borrowing window, previously limited to commercial banks, to investment banks.

But it was the Fed itself that caused the crisis by creating too much money, igniting inflation — and so boosting interest rates and crashing the housing market!

Injecting reality

beijingWell, reality does intervene. And I’ll give all America a big dose of it right here:

Chinese stocks soared Thursday after the government cut a tax on stock transactions in a move widely seen as an effort to boost slumping markets.

The rebound came as many global markets are recovering modestly after being battered since the start of the year amid worries about the U.S. credit crisis and slower global growth.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index surged as much as 9.6 percent in early trading, as investors resumed buying after weeks of holding back in hopes of market-boosting news. By midday, it was up 6.7 percent at 3,498.61.

The jump came after the government announced late Wednesday that it was cutting a stamp tax on share transactions to 0.1 percent from 0.3 percent. That reversed a tax increase May 30 when regulators were trying to cool surging stock prices.

That’s from a report on

Which 1970s?

U.S. Snooze said it was going to be like the 1970s. Except that until 1976, the mass-murdering socialist Mao ran China. It wasn’t until 1978-79 that they began their capitalist reforms. In 2008, Mao is long dead and the Chinese capitalist dragon is roaring. Their slogan: “To make money is glorious!” And there are 1.3 billion Chinese compared to 300 million Americans.

U.S. Snooze’s slogan: “To increase Big Government is glorious!”

maoGet it, America? The Chinese are coming down the railroad track right at us. And this time they’re not 19th century Coolies building the track, or 1960s Maoists shouting Cultural Revolution slogans. They’ve learned capitalism from America and now they’re out to best us. The 2008 Beijing Olympics is their coming out party. Given the poor quality of our “leadership” — Obama, Hillary, McCain? Ha! — they just might do it.

How can we stay ahead? Do what the Chinese are doing: cut taxes, keep spending low (no stupid, expensive wars, like in Iraq), innovate, compete.

Contra U.S. Snooze, there’s no other way.

Winner in P.A.: All Democrats

April 22, 2008

As I noted yesterday, Rush Limbaugh and a lot of other Republicans don’t understand that they’re hurt by further extensions of the Democratic nomination process. Hillary’s win in tonight’s Pennsylvania primary will keep that process going.

I listened to both Hillary’s and Obama’s speeches and both were excellent. (I mean the delivery, not the content; the content was socialist.) Both keyed on the inflation and recession caused by Bush-McCain.

Neither keyed on the inflation as being caused by the lack of a gold standard and by the $3 trillion wasted on the Iraq War, although Obama did note the war’s cost, in lives and treasure.

FDRWhat’s going on is that Democrats are forming themselves into the new winning coalition in American poltics. Their multiple interest groups are jostling for position to grab power for the long term, much as in 1932-36. If FDR could bring together blacks (who had been Republicans) and white segregationists into a new coalition, surely Obama — or even Hillary — can bring together something similar this year and in the near future.

Meanwhile, McCain is off somewhere, ignored. His party, which used to be the party of common sense and economic growth, under Bush has become the party of inflation, unemployment, foreclosures, rapid spending growth (faster than any time since LBJ) and endless, expensive war.

Republicans should hope that their loss will be modest, not generational; and that Democrats, after they win, continue their recent history of economic folishness enact massive tax increases that will bring Republicans back to power in Congress in 2010.

If Democrats recover the legacy of JFK — tax cuts and the gold standard — they could rule for several decades.

Reportedly, Obama is a cig smoker in private. If he adopts a public pose like FDR’s with a — jaunty cigarette holder in the picture — Obama will be a big winner for sure.

Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” another Republican disaster

April 21, 2008

kaosI haven’t listened much lately to Rush Limbaugh because, with a Republican in the White House, he’s just a shill for Il Duce. But today I listened in.

Rush is running a scheme called Operation Chaos. It’s to keep the Democratic nominating process going on as long as possible. So, with Obama in the lead, Republicans are supposed to shift to the Democratic Party and vote for Hillary. This keeps her in the race, causing chaos.

Operation Chaos is about as well conceived as Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom. That is, it’s a disaster.

Operation Chaos means Obama remains in the limelight longer. He’s also challenged by his fellow Democrats longer, forcing him to improve his campaign.

Rush pointed out that, in the last debate, Obama was testy and didn’t like being grilled. What do you think he corrects that problem pronto? If the nomination were already his, there would have been no debate until the fall against McCain, when Obama’s problem would have been in a much bigger spotlight.

It also doesn’t make sense to have Republicans vote Democratic, many for the first time in their lives. By the time the November election comes around, many of these voters will have lost their jobs, seen their homes foreclosed, and had their pickups repossessed after paying $4 gas. Having once voted Democratic, they’ll be primed to do it again. Life is made up of habits.

siegfriedSure, Obama’s economic “recovery” program is a socialist disaster that would make matters worse. But if you’re kicked out on the curb and your wife and kids aren’t eating, you’re willing to take a whirl of the big Wheel of Democracy Fortune.

Operation Chaos? Would you believe it’s more like like Operation KAOS, after the bumbling enemy agency in “Get Smart,” and Limbaugh playing the role of Siegfried?

Hillary forgets that Rocky LOST in the first “Rocky” film

April 3, 2008

Campaigning in the City of Brotherly Love, Hillary Clinton identified herself with Philly fictional hero Rocky Balboa, from the 1976 film that started it all, starring Sly Stallone. AP reported:

Recalling a famous scene on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art from the 1976 Oscar-winning film “Rocky,” Clinton said that ending her presidential campaign now would be as if “Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, ‘Well, I guess that’s about far enough.'”

“Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up. And neither do the American people.”

hillaryExcept that, at the end of the 1976 film, Rocky lost.

Maybe Hillary has been to busy campaigning and manipulating the past 32 years to have actually seen the movie. Rocky doesn’t win until the 2nd movie, when he finally beats Muhammad Ali-inspired Apollo Creed.

obamaIn other sequels, he beats Mr. T., some commie giant, John Wayne’s nephew, and others I forget. I think Sly is up to Rocky XVIII now. In the last one I saw, he’s almost as old as McCain (whom Stallone is supporting for prez). Maybe Rocky XIX will be McRocky.

But in “Rocky” in 1976, he loses.

As will Hillary to this year’s political Apollo Creed, Obama.

Send Hillary back to Bosnia

March 26, 2008

hillaryHillary has been caught lying about her actions in Bosnia during a trip there when she was co-President. There’s a way out of this for her.

She should enlist in the U.S. Army and be sent back to Bosnia, this time as a troop. Alternatively, she could be sent to newly “independent” Kosovo, which she and her husband “liberated” in 1999 by murdering 5,000 Serbs in their long bombing war.

Put her in a uniform, giver her an M-16, and send her to the front.

Obama should tap Admiral Fallon for vice president

March 11, 2008

Barack Obama is being attacked for not being “manly” enough to get us involved in needless wars. Ridiculous. Glenn Greenwald explodes the idea here.

My view: “Manly” doesn’t mean just having physical courage, but common sense and gravitas. On foreign policy, Obama clearly surpasses Hillary and McCain in that area.

obamaBut this may be a problem of perception for Obama. So he should deal with it by immediately naming as his vice presidential nominee Admiral William “Fox” Fallon, who was just fired (he “resigned”) as head of U.S. forces in the Middle East. I assume Fallon would accept.

Fallon’s problem was that he was objecting to the Bush regime’s desire to start yet another unconstitutional and unjust war, this one against Iran. He’s an officer and a gentleman — and a Vietnam viet — who cares about his country and his troops. The Bushies care only about implementing their terrible ideology of war and imperialism, no matter what the cost in blood and treasure to America or the countries attacked.

Fallon served in Nam while Bush and Cheney were partying down like the chickenhawks they are.

Naming Fallon as running mate would put Obama way up against Hillary, whose own “experience” I mocked in a previous blog.

fallon And naming Fallon would help Obama against McCain in November. Fallon would have the credibility to knock down McCain’s own Napoleonic fantasies with the facts of what’s really going on in the Middle East.

In particular, if Bush attacks Iran, Fallon would be able to explain — against McCain’s inevitable backing of a war on Iran — why it was unconstitutional, unjust, and strategically dumb.

Pass this blog around. Maybe Obama or his people will see it.

Obama-Fallon in 08. It’s a winner.

The ad Obama needs to run against Hillary

March 9, 2008

One of the reasons Hillary won against Obama in Texas and Ohio was an ad in which voters were asked whom they would want to answer the “Red Phone” in the middle of the night. The Red Phone is on the president’s bedstead and supposedly Hillary is more experienced than Obama for dealing with global emergencies. (Actually, except for the Napoleonic McCain, she’s the last person I’d want answering the Red Phone.)

Dick Morris, the former Clinton strategist, suggests an ad that Obama should run:

The next time Hillary uses the recycled red phone ad, counter with one of your own. When the phone rings in the middle of the night, have a woman’s voice, with a flat Midwestern accent, answer it and say, “Hold on” into the receiver. Then she should shout, “Bill! It’s for you!”

Because with Hillary’s complete lack of any meaningful experience in foreign affairs, and her lack of the “testing” that she boldly claims, she’ll be yelling for Bill.

But that doesn’t go far enough. The ad should continue with Hillary yelling, “Bill! Bill! Where are you?” She then reaches across the bed — and Bill’s not there.

Next, we cut to Bill in the Oval Office in an assignation (PG-rated) with a female White House intern.

Finally, cut back to Hillary in her bed, holding the Red Phone, crying, “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Hillary crying