Archive for November, 2008

Queen Elizabeth II needs to depose PM Brown, restore freedom to the UK

November 25, 2008

queen elizabethBritain’s ruling Socialist “Labour” Party is jacking up the top tax rate to 60%.

The country also is close to bankruptcy:

There is now a palpable fear that global investors may start to shun British debt as the budget deficit rockets to £118bn — 8 per cent of GDP — or charge a much higher price to cover default risk.

The connection is obvious: The Socialist Party has driven productive people to other countries, or underground, while spending the country into penury.

Will Brits — or Americans — ever learn?

Queen Elizabeth II should dismiss Prime Minister Brown and his socialist cabinet and rule the country herself, eliminating income, capital gains, and business taxes — and ending the spendthrift welfare state along with all the Orwellian controls Brown, and his predecessor, Prime Minister O’Brien — excuse me, Blair — imposed.

Britain no longer is a real democracy and free country. So, Brits would be better off if their despot, Brown, was displaced by their beloved monarch as the locus of real power.

Yes, I know that the Brit royals, Prince Charles even more so than QEII, are a bit leftish.

hans-adamThat’s why the queen should take as her model Hans-Adam II, prince of Liechtenstein, who runs his country impeccably, with rock-bottom tax rates and sky-high freedoms. He actually said, “Our low taxes attract foreign depositors, and tax evasion is not a crime under Liechtenstein laws.” No wonder the country is booming.

He is her seventh-cousin, once removed. So, as we say in America, they’re, like, from the same ‘hood.

After the queen is done restoring freedom to Britain, she could start on the other countries in the Commonwealth, beginning with loopy, Soviet Canada.

Porkbarrel Porkbarrel Porkbarrel

November 25, 2008

Obama is big on his new make-work program, which supposedly will create $2.5 million jobs. It reality, it will only divert productive private resources to politically favored government waste. But yet…

Obama said a key component of any economic stimulus package would be spending on infrastructure projects, such as fixing roads or bridges, which could help ease the budgetary headaches now being experienced by state and local governments.

At the same time, the Chicago Democrat warned that the selection of which locally based projects to support would be based on need and not political back-scratching.

That would be a first for a Chicago politician.

Of course, the real reason for this spending is to support projects in Democratic districts to help Democrats win in elections in 2010 and 2012. As Steve Sailer points out:

A lot of state and local governments will need bailing out, most notably California, to prevent massive layoffs of civil servants. I expect to see, in the spirit of bipartisanship upon which Obama campaigned, a summit meeting between President Obama and Governor Schwarzenegger in which Obama hands tens of billions to California to meet payroll and even hire some more paper pushers and social workers. That’s what Obama’s entire career has been devoted to: taking money from productive people and hiring people like himself to collect paychecks while failing to solve social problems. That’s his base.

And unlike Republican presidents — such as Bush — who almost always sell out their base, Obama won’t sell out his. Instead, they’ll get the porkbarrel, the gravy, the apple pie, and the cooking sherry.

Under Obama, his Democratic base is going to think every day is Thanksgiving.

And it’s taxpayers who are going to get their heads chopped off.

Change you CAN’t Believe in

November 25, 2008

hillary obamaSo much for Obama’s promise to change the way things work in Washington, District of Criminals.

It just was reported that Robert Gates will stay on as Defense Commissar. What happened to Obama’s promise to get us out of Iraq? Gates is the architect of the current escalation in Iraq.

Then there’s Hillary. Obama beat her in the primaries because Democrats rebuffed her call to stay in Iraq, while embracing Obama’s call to get out. She’s going to be Foreign Affairs Commissar.

Oh, and just two years ago, in 2006, American voters put Democrats in charge of Congress specifically to end the Iraq war. They didn’t. The top Democratic henchman in Congress backing the Iraq war has been Rep. Rahm Emanuel — who now will be Obama’s chief of staff. Emanuel also was a Clinton operative.

Obama’s economic Commissariate is made up of Clinton regime retreads. Plus Federal Reserve hack Timothy Geithner will be Treasury Commissar. Geithner is a protege of Robert Rubin, the Clinton Treasury Commissar — and former top guy at Goldman Sachs. It’s the Federal Reserve Board that has debased the dollar, giving us inflation and the current economic meltdown.

So G-S will still be running things, as it did under Clinton, and as it continues to do under Bush, whose Treasury Commissar is Paulson, another former top boss at Goldman Sachs. G-S is a big bailout recipient. That’s why I call this the United States of Goldman Sachs.

The Obama administration is such a small departure from the recent past that we might as well have canceled the election, saved a couple billion in campaign costs, and let Bush keep running things.

Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses.

I called end of Register lawsuit

November 25, 2008

Back in August, I predicted that a lawsuit by carriers against the Orange County Register, my old newspaper, would end in a settlement. That the union would see no utility in holding out for its demand for $100 million from a company close to bankruptcy.


Yesterday, the company and the carriers settled the lawsuit for $22 million, plus $11 million for the carriers’ lawyers.  The settlement means that the Register management admitted it cheated its own employees.

I hypothetically posited a $10 million settlement. But that wasn’t so much a guess and an example of how things work.

I predicted a settlement …

will clear the decks for selling the company, probably by breaking it up and auctioning the pieces. It’ll be accomplished before Rudolph and Santa alight on your rooftop.

The Hoiles Family, one of the last of the old newspaper families, seems to have given up.

A friend of mine was at the Arizona Republic in the mid-1990s when the Pulliam Family (Dan Quayle’s family) put its newspapers up for sale. He said that the first priority was settling all lawsuits. That way, the new owner couldn’t come back to the old owners in a few years and say, “You owe me more money for those lawsuits you didn’t settle.”

Now, Freedom is free to sell the Register.

Assuming anybody wants to buy it.

Why hasn’t President Obama cured computer viruses?

November 25, 2008

Two days after the election I was expecting a Word document. I then accidentally opened a different Word document in a spam that contained a virus. I know better. But it was late and I’d had a couple shots of Dewars.

Almost 3 weeks later, I’m still fighting the virus.

But why hasn’t Obama taken steps to stop these viruses? The virus hit my computer 2 days after he was elected. Instead of all that celebration, he should have solved our problems, beginning with the virus on my computer.

Why is there no crash program to solve this problem? Solving it would add trillions of dollars to the GDP, pulling us out of the Bush-Greenspan-Neocon Depression. We’ve had 8 years of Bush doing nothing about computer viruses.

Where is the “Change we can believe in” concerning computer viruses? My “audacity of hope” for a cure for compter viruses is running toward despair.

Obama talks about more health-care coverage for Americans. Shouldn’t that include curing computer viruses?

Sometimes macho is stupido

November 21, 2008

We’re witnessing the deserved demise of two politicians who boasted how tough they were, but now are humiliated by their own excesses: President Bush and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Seven years ago, Bush stood atop the world, the commander of the most fierce military machine the world had ever known. After 9/11, the world was tuned in to whatever Bush needed to do to get Bin Laden and the other terrorists who perpetrated the atrocities of that day.

mission accomplishedThe Neo”conservatives” flattered Bush by calling him “The Conquerer.” Every tough-guy American, including a lot of Rambo wannabees, urged Bush to “kick b*tt and take names.” His Second Inaugural Address, in 2005, was a call to America to force democracy on the rest of the world.

Today, America is a burned-out, bankrupt hulk of its former self. Even a Goliath, Americans have found out, can be brought down by dozens of Davids, if Goliath is foolish enough to keep challenging them on their own turf.

Sun Tzu

It’s unlikely Bush ever read, or even heard of, “On War,” by Sun Tzu, the greatest military strategist ever. Sun urged that the best way to defeat an enemy is to find a non-military way of doing so. That way, you win, and you keep your army. Fighting, especially at long distances, drains resources and bankrupts a country. (Sound familiar?) Fighting also reveals how capable, or incapable, your military is. The Iraq and Afghan wars showed that the U.S. military still is fighting World War II, and has almost no inkling that these are Fourth Generation wars. Bush’s Neocon strategists — Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, etc. — are even more ignorant.

Sun Tzu advised that, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will always win. But if you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always lose. Bush and the Neocons are the most ignorant “strategists” America has ever suffered under, so it was inevitable that America would lose.

It’s too bad so many “macho” regular American patriots were so gullible about Bush, the Neocons, and the supposed invincility of American arms. History is littered with empires that stretch too far: Athens and its Sicilian Expedition, Rome at its height in Teutoberg Forest, the British Empire at its height in Afghanistan.

This is why prudence is a more important virtue that fortitude.

Gov. Steroid

conanAnother example of macho hubris is Gov Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger.  Building on his steroid-fueled stardom in bodybuilding and movies, Arnold projected himself in his 2003 election campaign as Conan the Governor. He would pound into oblivion the state’s chronic overspending, deficits, and high taxes. One male letter writer, who perhaps had seen too many Arnold action flicks, wrote to The Orange County Register, where I then worked, that as governor, Arnold would “lift the state on his broad shoulders.”

Once in office, he attacked the Democratic leadership in the Legislature as “girly men.” He tried to slam through a badly designed reform package on the ballot in November 2005.

When he failed, he turned the state government over to his wife, Maria, a Kennedy with high-tax, Kennedy-spending ways. He is the most uxorious governor I’ve ever seen, in any state.

The result: record deficits, soon to be made even worse by tax increases that will not raise more revenue, but instead chase more businesses from the state.

Back in 2003, I tried to warn people that Arnold was a Hollywood phony, that if you withold the anabolic steroid injections, he’s just a 99-pound weakling. But few listened.

Now the state is in a downward spiral leading to bankruptcy.

In 2003, voters had a chance to choose the real deal, state Sen. Tom McClintock, who understood the budget better than anyone in the state. Typically, voters chose style over competence and integrity. They thought Arnold would “terminate” the state’s problems.


Two fake-macho men, Bush and Arnold, fooled people into giving them power. Both wrecked the polities they never should have been allowed to govern, America and California.

And we’re all going to pay for their folly, and that of their supporters, the rest of our lives.

Joke about GM

November 20, 2008

A friend came up with this joke:

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner is on a plane and meets a classmate who’s become a preacher. He tells Wagoner that GM is on the rocks because it lacks Christian management. The preacher said he opens the Bible, stabs his finger onto a verse at random, and God tells him what to do. He prayed and found a verse that talked about bread, so his church invested in wheat futures and made millions. Then prayer led to a verse about smiting enemies, and they reinvested in defense-related mutual funds and tripled their investment. And so on.

Wagoner said he prayed and tried the same thing.

“And what did the Lord tell you?” asked the preacher.

Wagoner said, “It read, ‘Chapter 11‘.”


American blacks now being attacked because they’re most sensible on same-sex “marriage”

November 20, 2008

Proposition 8 was the recent, successful, California initiative that banned same-sex “marraige.” It overturned a state Supreme Court ruling that had imposed that absurdity on the state with the full, coercive force of government. Exit polls showed that it was supported by just 49% of whites and Asians, but 52% of Latinos and 70% of blacks.

This is because blacks are more immune to the the Cultural Marxism that pervades America. (Hey, who won the Cold War against Marxism? Looks like we actually lost.)

And blacks are more immune because the locus of their culture is in their local churches, whereas for whites and Asians that locus is in the universities and the mainstream media, which are Cultural Marxist institutions. For whites, this has happened as Christianity’s cultural power has waned in force the past 50 years, even for many people who go to church every Sunday. Certainly, many whites still are cultural Christians. But most are not.

In this, blacks certainly are to be commended and emulated. But now blacks are paying a price. California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, a Democrat who opposed Prop. 8, said:

I have friends in Los Angeles, who are African Americans in the (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community, and they went out to protest the vote and had racial epithets hurled at them. A couple of them were fearful, and they left because they were threatened.

These Ku Klux Anti-Prop. 8 fanatics have turned California into the old Jim Crow South. Will the state — backed by the California Supreme Court — next force blacks to the back of the bus and make them use separate drinking fountains?

This whole same-sex “marriage” nonsense is a boutique issue for busybody whites, many of whom, it turns out, have the racial beliefs of Bull Connor.

Thank God America has so many wonderful black people.

The United States of Taxia

November 20, 2008

This is one of those times — the early 1990s was another — when our Masters in Government tell us that higher taxes are the solution to all our problems, from the economic meltdown to the heartbreak of psoriasis. President Obama wants to boost federal taxes. And Gov. Arnold wants to boost state taxes out here in Taxifornia.

But consider this chart of income tax rates around the world. The darker the color, the higher the tax rate. It’s from this Wikipedia article:

tax rates

You can see that the USSA — the United Socialist States of America — has among the highest top tax rates in the world, higher than neighboring Canada and Mexico. We’re also higher than our major economic competitors, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Russia, and most countries in Europe.

America’s economy is not going to get moving again until we cut taxes, not increase them. America is over-taxed, over-governed, and soon will be over-Obamaed.

To Gov. Arnold, taxpayers are “juszt bodiez”

November 17, 2008

commando At the end of the movie “Commando,” Arnold Schwarzenegger, by himself, invades an island off the coast of California being occupied by several thousand troops of a wannabe South American dictator. Arnold kills every one of them. After that, an American general arrives with U.S. troops to help him. “Have you left anything for us?” the general asks.

Arnold replies, “Juszt bodiez.”

That’s also how he looks on California taxpayers in his obsession to steal more of their tax dollars to pay for his profligate spending. We’re “just bodies” to work as slaves on his plantation.

His own incompetence — his inability to balance a single budget in his 5 years in office — is overlooked, and the blame put on those who, he thinks, didn’t pay enough taxes. When his new scheme doesn’t work — when it drives taxpayers from the state — next year he’ll call for more tax increases, then more and more.