Archive for September, 2008

Biden: Tax the middle-class to death

September 18, 2008

I had to laugh when Joe Biden said Obama wouldn’t increase taxes on the middle class. “Only” those paying more than $250,000 or more would pay the Obama tax increase.

In Taxifornia, where I live, $250,000 means you are middle-class. Even with housing prices dropping, only people making more than $120,000 a year even can afford a home. And that home is barely larger than an outhouse in Kentucky.

At $250,000, you’re barely making enough to take your kids out of the crummy government schools and put them in private schools. Usually, that’s Mom and Pop working 2 jobs.

Taxifornia also has a 9.3% state income tax rate that kicks in at just $40,000 a year. Other states, such as Washington, Texas, New Hampshire, and Nevada, don’t even have a state income tax.

Biden says it’s a “patriotic act” to pay more taxes. Well, what’s “patriotic” about paying for unconstitutional foreign wars; more welfare for shirkers who don’t want to work; foreign “aid” to favored countries like Georgia, whose corrupt “dictatorship” — falsely called a “democracy” by the whole Washington political elite — stupidly just invaded South Ossetia and was kicked out by Russia; and massive porkbarrel to the special interests that keep a corrupt kleptocracy in power in the Senate and House and the White House?

At $250,000, a person is just starting to accumulate some money, maybe from a small business. A tax increase would slam that person against a wall, maybe bankrupt the business.

Biden and Obama both already are wealthy, despite — or because of — being in politics all their lives. So they don’t care if others are taxed heavily and prevented from moving up to their level.

A Delaware paper reports:

Though he’s considered one of the least wealthy senators — his net worth dwarfed by several multimillionaire attorneys and entrepreneurs — Biden is a wealthy man by ordinary standards — worth about $2 million but perhaps hundreds of thousand dollars more, a News Journal analysis found.

Like many Americans, Biden’s house is his most valuable asset.

First elected to the Senate 36 years ago, the former lawyer lives off Barley Mill Road in Greenville — northern Delaware’s priciest area — on a four-acre lakefront estate in a 7,000-square-foot custom home. Biden also owns a smaller carriage house on his property, where his widowed mother lives.

Local real estate agents said the Biden property is worth at least $2.5 million — $1.8 million more than the couple owes. In addition, his latest Senate financial disclosure — which lists assets and liabilities in wide ranges — shows that Biden’s net worth, excluding real estate holdings and mortgage debt, is between $381,000 and minus $55,000.

Biden and his wife, Jill, an English instructor at Delaware Technical & Community College, have combined salaries of $265,500 this year. Between 2005 and 2007, Biden also received a total of $225,000 in advances for his autobiography, “Promises to Keep.”

Obama also is rich. ABC News reported:

The Obamas’ jointly filed tax returns from 2000 to 2006, released by the campaign Tuesday, show that Obama made a total of $1.6 million in 2005 and 2006 as the author of the best-selling “Dreams of My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope.”

Obama’s tax increase proposal is just another assault on the middle-class, on the whole economy, and on America. Too bad that’s just what we’re going to get because Republicans’ support of lower taxes has been supplanted, under Bush and the Neocons, by an obsession with unconstitutional wars paid for by inflation that brings economic ruin.

Democrats to blame for the economic crash? Not really, Rush Limbaugh

September 17, 2008

Republicans are trying to shift the blame for the onrushing big recession to Democrats. Rush Limbaugh said on Sept. 16 (I don’t know how long this transcript will be online):

RUSH:  I’m watching Senator McCain.  I don’t know where he is.  He’s doing a campaign appearance right now, and he’s bashing Wall Street regulation and this sort of thing.  He’s doing a good thing.  He’s demanding an investigation.  You know, where is the investigation of all of the individuals involved with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?  I did a little bit more research, you would not believe the extent to which Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae existed to prop up liberal Democrat politicians and their favored agencies and organizations and PACs.  It’s just stunning.  Obama is number two, Chris Dodd is number one, Hillary ranks pretty high up there as well.  But they better be careful here because it is clear — you know, we started yesterday talking about all this, and the thing that’s going on here with the financial markets and the housing market, this was not the result of a failure of capitalism.  

Yeah. Uhhuh. All right.

And Obama’s solutions — which I heard him make today on a campaign stop — would make things worse. He wants even more regulations.

Questions for Rush

But Rush won’t answer these tough questions:

Who’s been president the last 8 years? Republican George Bush.

Who started the expensive wars — Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, now Pakistan — that are bankrupting us? Republican President George Bush.

Who started the inflation of the dollar — to pay for Bush’s wars “on the cheap” — that is bankrupting us? Republican Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan (since retired), appointed by Republican President George Bush.

Who is continuing the inflation? Current Republican Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, appointed by Republican President George Bush.

Which party controlled the House of Representatives 12 of the past 14 years? Republicans.

Which party controlled the Senate 4 of the past 6 years? Republicans.

Which party has had a majority on the Supreme Court for more than 20 years? Republicans.

Which party held control of all three branches of the federal government — legislative, executive, and judicial — from 2003 to 2006, that’s 4 full years? Republicans.

Do we see a pattern here, Rush?

Even the Democratic disasters he cites could have been reversed when Republicans ran the whole show for those 4 years. Why weren’t Fannie and Freddie privatized? Why wasn’t the gold standard restored to end inflation?

Blame Rush for the economic crash

Rush himself bears some blame. He has earned his $400 million new contract by acting the loudest booster for Republicans, whose profligacy he only partly criticized. And he’s been the biggest booster for Bush’s unconstitutional, economy-bankrupting wars.

Rush’s immense megaphone should have been used to scold Republicans day in and in day out — for their wars, their profligacy, their inflation, their crashing of the economy.

Now his party is going to pay big time by getting the blame for the crash.

Too bad the Democrats’ cure will make the disease worse. But Ultra-Republicans like Rush who have cheered on Republicans’ excesses — despite a few quibbles — have only themselves to blame.

Hyperinflation next?

September 17, 2008

This is ominous.

The federal government be may about to deal with the economic crash — which it caused — by inflating the currency to “monetize” its payouts and loans to Freddie, Fannie, AIG, etc.

Basically, this means the feds will “pay” for these loans and bailouts by creating money. It’s as if you couldn’t pay for your mortgage with your current income, so you put some $100 bills in a color copier, took the fake bills to your mortgage company, and used them to pay for your house.

When you do it, it’s called “counterfeting”; when the government does it, it’s called “monetary policy.”

Bloomberg reports:

Sept. 17 (Bloomberg) — The Treasury will sell more debt to enable the Federal Reserve to expand its balance sheet, a sign of the strains created by the biggest extension of central-bank credit to financial companies since the Great Depression.

The program starts today with a $40 billion auction of 35- day bills, a day after the government agreed to take over American International Group Inc., the Treasury said in a statement in Washington.

The proceeds will “provide cash for use” by the Fed as it seeks to boost liquidity in credit markets struggling from $515 billion in writedowns and losses since the start of last year. The announcement illustrates the potential drain on the government’s finances in taking over AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and taking on $29 billion in Bear Stearns Cos. assets.

No wonder the stock market keeps crashing. And gold soared an incredible 11.6% today.

Paul Hoffmeister of Bretton Woods Research comments (not online):

The Treasury announced this morning [Sept. 17, 2008] that it will sell T-bills to expand the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet in response to the central banks unprecedented bailout efforts. Explanations from the Treasury and NY Fed of the mechanics of this new initiative are vague at the moment. But on its surface, the news strikes us as an inflationary event because it is either an immediate monetization of U.S. debt (similar to the Volcker Mexican Peso bailout in 1982) or a threat that such debt will be monetized in the future. This news is historic, and certainly rapidly evolving. But we immediately interpret the news as a major negative for its inflationary implications and believe it has caused the rapid spike in the dollar-gold price between 9:37am and 11:01am EST, as well as the equity market sell-off. 

Clueless in Washington

Unfortunately, President Bush, whose disastrous presidency is ending with a crash, has no idea what’s going on. Neither does inflationist Fed boss Bernanke. Neither does Treasury boss Paulson.

Likewise, both Obama and McCain don’t know what’s happening, but propose yet more of the real problem: government manipulation of the economy, especially the dollar.

This is going to get even uglier.


September 15, 2008

It’s taken an economic meltdown to get Sarah Palin off the front pages of election coverage.

As the governor of a small (population) state, she has had virtually nothing to do with the economic depression approaching us. So she’s out of it.

But the three other candidates, senators all, have had a lot to do with it. All of them, including Republican McCain, have supported the socialist central government that has caused these problems. In particular, they support the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies since 9/11, the main culprit here. And they have supported Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the cost of which has been paid for by inflating the dollar (decreasing its value to buy arms more cheaply).

But what’s curious is that both Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin support the same “cure” that’s more of the same government manipulation that caused the crisis. This too much even for Rush Limbaugh, usually a sycophantic Republican. Today he attacked McCain and Palin for favoring more regulations on businesses — that is, more of the strichnine that is poisoning the economy.

Good for Rush. But, as I listened myself, he went on later on in his show to keep on defending the wars whose great cost has brought on the inflation. He just doesn’t get that part.

The American people finally are paying the economic cost of these wars. They were getting by easily, avoiding the sacrifices Americans made in previous wars — the rationing, the meatless days, the hardship — until now.

Obama finally has a chance to make his case for “change we can believe in.” Unfortunately,  his idea of “change” is the Democratic socialism we can belive will bankrupt America even more than the Bush-Republican socialism we currently suffer under.

Newspapers’ future: playthings for billionaires — O.C. Register to be sold to Argyros?

September 15, 2008

The Orange County Register, where I wrote editorials for 19 years, could be bought by a billionaire Real Estate tycoon, Ambassador George Argyros, and another local businessman, Larry Higby. So reports to a new article up this night as I write in The Orange County Business Journal. Before I comment on that, a couple of observations.

As newspapers collapse, all that’s left is their brand name. But if billionaires know one thing, it’s brand names. So billionaires are buying these newspapers and playing with them like sports teams. Argyros, for example, once owned the Seattle Mariners baseball team.

An interest in the vererable (to some, not me) New York Times just was sold to Mexican Crony Capitalist  Carlos Slim, the second-richest man in the world ($60 billion worth) after Warren Buffett ($62 billion). Buffett earned his money through brilliant capitalist investing.

slimBy contrast, Slim is a Crony Capitalist — he has a monopoly on Mexico’s telecommunications system, granted him by Mexico’s corrupt government. Steve Seiler reported on Slim:

The only scandals clinging to Slim’s name are business-political, not personal. He embodies the Mexican ruling class at its best.

Which still isn’t so hot.

Although not an innovator, Slim is a competent businessman and manager. He likely would have gotten rich in even the most honest country….

…mix Slim’s financial skills with Mexico’s crony capitalism and you get the richest man in the world.

As New York Times correspondent Alan Riding wrote of Mexico in his 1984 bestseller Distant Neighbors: A Portrait of the Mexicans, “Public life could be defined as the abuse of power to achieve wealth and the abuse of wealth to achieve power.” It’s worth examining how the master plays the game.

The Mexican-born son of a prosperous Lebanese Christian merchant originally named Yusef Salim Haddam, Slim made his big move in 1990 during President Carlos Salinas’ corrupt privatization binge (which was enthusiastically endorsed by the elder President Bush). He bought the government’s telephone monopoly. Interestingly, Slim’s telephone monopoly was written into NAFTA, negotiated during Bush I, granting Slim a decade without foreign competition.

To Slim, buying a chunk of the NYT is pocket change.

Zell buys the Chicago Tribune and L.A. times

Before that, 17 months ago, Chicago real-estate tycoon Sam Zell bought the Chicago Tribune company, which includes that paper and the L.A. Times, for $8.2 billion. He did so too early. Like Sim and (possibly) Argyros, he should have waited a year for the price to drop more and saved himself maybe half that money.

But buy it he did. He also took out a risky loan, which Slim and Argyros probably wouldn’t need. Swimming in his natural habitat, Zell is dealing some of the real estate. He’s continued the L.A. Times’ recent history of editorial shakeups.

But the point is that it’s a plaything for him.

The days of the great newspaper families — the Sulzbergers, the Pulizers, the Pulliams, the Hoileses — are over. Even the days of the conglomerates, like Gannett, are over. This is the day of the billionaire tycoons.

You don’t make yourself a billionaire (as opposed to inheriting it) by being stupid. These guys know the days of printed newspapers are numbered. So, they’re buying the brand name, as I noted earlier, to use online for whatever they want. Maybe it’ll pay off, maybe it won’t. But it’ll be fun playing with it.

Brief interlude on newspapers

I was at a bar tonight (Sunday night) in Newport Beach with some friends. Someone mentioned to two women, about 30, that I “worked for the Orange County Register.” Before I could correct them by pointing out that I took a buyout almost 2 years ago, one woman said, “The Register? What’s that? Didn’t it close years ago?” The second stranger concurred.

One of the friends I was with, also about 30, said he hadn’t read the printed Register in years, instead reading it online.

Printed newspapers: R.I.P.

Argyros, the Register, and Measure R

argyrosGeorge Argyros was a major presence in Orange County even before his contributions to Republican causes got him named ambassador to Spain, a post he left after the 2004 election. In my Register days, I met him several times. At least to me and other journalists, he was cordial, a typical glad-handing businessman.

Chapman University, his alma mater, has so many buildings named after him they might as well call it Argyros University.

After Orange County’s 1994 bankruptcy, Argyros headed a group of businessmen that tried to get passed Measure R, a half-cent sales tax increase to make up for the $1.6 billion the county wasted. Argyros came in to talk to the Register editorial board, trying to convince us of the need for a tax increase. He also was a friend of then-Register Publisher Dave Threshie, a top member of the Hoiles Family, which has owned the Register since 1935. Threshie sat in on the discussions.

Argyros said that the county would be badly damaged without the tax increase. The roads would crumble, the schools would fail to teach, business would flee.

We retorted that Orange County was known globally as a low-tax island amidst the high-tax ocean of California, that tax increases would damage the tax base and send businesses fleeing. Measure R should be defeated and the county government forced to find some other way to make up for its own stupidity.

Threshie, naturally, wasn’t going to break the Hoiles Family tradition of opposing tax increases. He unleashed us to attack Measure R. The tax increase lost heavily. Orange County recovered from the bankruptcy almost as if it hadn’t happened. No tax increase was needed.

Argyros and the Register’s future

If Argyros does buy the Register, he of course will want it to play with it as he sees fit. A Bush-Cheney-McCain partisan, he naturally would ditch the anti-war libertarianism and constitutionalism. It would become just another Republican, Neocon mouthpiece backing unconstitutional wars, torture, the “Patriot” Act and other abridgments of the Bill of Rights, etc.

Another bankruptcy/Measure R situation is unlikely. But he might make the editorial page back the many local school bond and city tax initiatives that come up every election cycle.

At the state level, he might back Schwarzenegger’s calls for tax increases.

Other changes would be made ending 7 decades of libertarianism at America’s highest-circulation libertarian newspaper. A unique voice would be gone. Blandness would take over.

Hoiles Family cashing out

But what’s clear is that the Hoiles Family is cashing out, ending yet another family newspaper dynasty. Reported the OC Business Journal:

“We are having a lot of conversations that in the past in a different environment would have been inconceivable,” said Scott Flanders, chief executive of the Register’s parent company, Irvine-based Freedom Communications Inc….

The situation at the Register and elsewhere at Freedom has raised doubts that the heirs of company founder R.C. Hoiles, who own an estimated 55% of the company, will be able to engineer their hoped-for buyout of private equity investors next May.

That’s when Blackstone Group LP and Providence Equity Part-ners LLC can force the buyback of the roughly 45% stake they bought in 2004. The investment was part of a restructuring that enabled dissident heirs to cash out of the company.

But analysts and others have said it’s possible the private equity firms won’t exercise their “put rights” next May because they’re unlikely to recoup their investment, given the declining values of Freedom and other newspaper companies.

That’s just what I’ve been reporting right here — and here — and here — on this blog, based solely on my analyses of newspaper trends and Freedom Communications’ financial situation.

Gone With the Wind

I recently re-subscribed to the Register after canceling my subscription a year ago. A nice chap at the local Albertson’s convinced me to do so, giving me a $10 food coupon as an enticement. I like getting the paper in the morning. rhettIt reminds me of the Old Days when I worked in the industry, and of my youth when my family got the Detroit News.

Yet I don’t read much of it. The national and world news I read the evening before online. Movie listings I get online, too; it’s easier. I’ll probably keep my subscription until they don’t deliver papers anymore.

As Rhett Butler says when he finally joins the Confederate Army:

I’ve always had a weakness for lost causes once they’re really lost.

Democrats’ platform: abortion, war, feminazism, anti-white racism, tax increases

September 14, 2008

I’ve been predicting a victory by Obama, but I might be wrong. Democrats again are bungling what should be a sure victory over Republicans. But Republican campaign managers know the mechanics of victory and pursue them with ruthless efficiency. McCain is supposed to be a “change” from Bush’s 8 years of disastrous policies. But McCain’s campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, ran Bush’s War Room in 2004.

So there isn’t any “change,” but the efficient, cynical management of perception.

But so far, Obama is running for Mayor of San Francisco.

Who knows, Obama still might pull it off. The economy continues to slide. Bush just started another war, in Pakistan, after losing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. McCain could make a big gaffe, or do badly in the debates. And the two previous incompetent Democratic candidates, Gore and Kerry, each almost won.

But for now, a good analysis of the Democrats’ disaster comes today from Lew Rockwell’s blog:

Democrats coasting to defeat

Posted by Ryan W. McMaken at September 14, 2008 12:33 AM

Everywhere I look, the polls show the Republicans surging and the Democrats receding at every level. How did the Dems manage to pull this off? In year 8 of the most unpopular GOP president since Nixon, the Dems look like they’re about to lose the presidency yet again. And, if the current trend keeps up, they’ll make far fewer gains in Congress than they’d hoped for.

Perhaps it’s their clueless platform. I’ll summarize.

The Dem platform:

1. Abortion: we love it. Everyone should have one. Anytime anywhere! More abortion! We love it! Hurray abortion! Sire, half the country is heartily opposed, but our funders tell us it’s a winning issue.

2. We hate all women who aren’t exactly like Hillary Clinton. See Bill Anderson on this one.

3. Sure, we’re in the middle of the most unpopular war in American history, but we’re too stupid to come out and say we’re opposed to it. So you might as well vote for the GOP.

4. We hate white (i.e. Anglo) people. Sure, they make up the majority of the electorate in most states, but we can’t be bothered with those people unless they have ivy league degrees.

5. Raise taxes! Every candidates that runs on raising taxes wins, right? Right? Right?

No Movie for Coen Bros. Fans

September 12, 2008

I’m a big fan of the Coen Bros. My favorite is “The Big Lebowski,” even though I don’t like profanities and it uses them, according to one tally, 271,422 times. It’s just so funny and well done, the characters so well drawn, like people I’ve known. I’m about their age, so we have similar enthusiasms, like The Three Stooges. A true cult classic.

Last year’s Academy Award winner, “No Country for Old Men,” was excellent, and I saw it twice.

“Blood Simple,” their first movie, was the best post-Classic Age (1944-1960) film noir after “Chinatown.”

So naturally, tonight I saw the premier of their new movie, “Burn After Reading,” but it was disgusting and unfunny.  Avoid it at all costs.

It was worse than “Crimewave,” another failure.

Let’s hope they’re back to form in their next talkie.

I hate to tell you this, but Sarah Palin could get us all killed…

September 11, 2008

As I’ve written in previous blogs, I like Sarah Palin. But it turns out she is dangerously naive, or misinformed, about the most serious matters of foreign policy. Republicans and conservatives are so smitten with her that they don’t want to hear this — or don’t care.

Here’s what she said about Russia and Georgia, reported in the Financial Times:

Sarah Palin, the running mate of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, on Thursday said the US would be obligated to go to war with Russia if it invaded a Nato ally – a status she advocated for Georgia,

“I mean, that is the agreement when you are a Nato ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help,” she told ABC’s Charlie Gibson.

“We have got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable.”

Except the Russians have 10,000 nukes.

This must be the party line she’s getting from McCain’s top foreign-policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, a paid agent of the government of Georgia.

Moreover, Georgia — a country most Americans never even heard about until last month — isn’t “democratic,” but a dictatorship and tyranny:

Ballot-box stuffing, beatings of opposition activists, biased news coverage and government officials campaigning for President Mikheil Saakashvili‘s party tainted Georgia’s parliamentary elections this year, Europe’s main election watchdog said on Tuesday.

And, contra what Sarah said, the war was not “unprovoked,” but provoked by Georgia invading South Ossetia.

McCain, a mentally unstable hothead, also wants to get us nuked by Russia.

So, here’s how it works, America:

Scheunemann gets rich on Georgia’s cash (which comes, ultimately, from U.S. taxpayers). He, McCain, and Palin are sitting in a bunker while a nuclear bomb drops on your home.

Palin still believes Iraq lie

One of the biggest lies of the Iraq War was how, early on, the Bush regime tried to pin the 9/11 attack on Saddam. After a while, even Bush stopped maintaining that lie, and admitted there was no connection — five years ago.

But Palin still believes it.

The question now is whether Obama, lately Candidate Klutz, and sidekick Biden can take advantage of the nuttiness of McCain and Palin.

It’s amazing, but Democrats have found the two worst candidates possible to run for these offices — except for the two Republicans.

McCain on Georgia: The fraud of “democracy,” and plagiarism

September 9, 2008

In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Socialist Convention, McCain said:

Russia’s leaders, rich with oil wealth and corrupt with power, have rejected democratic ideals and the obligations of a responsible power. They invaded a small, democratic neighbor to gain more control over the world’s oil supply, intimidate other neighbors and further their ambitions of reassembling the Russian empire. And the brave people of Georgia need our solidarity and prayers.

Actually, anybody who knew anything about Georgia knew it was a corrupt tyranny, not a democracy. Just today, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe found, according to Reuters:

Ballot-box stuffing, beatings of opposition activists, biased news coverage and government officials campaigning for President Mikheil Saakashvili‘s party tainted Georgia’s parliamentary elections this year, Europe’s main election watchdog said on Tuesday.

The United States praised Georgia as a “courageous young democracy” after its brief war with Russia last month; but the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe‘s (OSCE) ODIHR arm said there were many significant shortcomings in a May 21 election, when Saakashvili’s party won a big majority.

It was this corrupt tyranny that McCain wanted to bring into NATO. That would have meant, according to the NATO bylaws, that when corrupt dictator Saakashvili stupidly got into a tiff with Russia, America would have had to come to Georgia’s aid and defeat Russia — which has 10,000 nuclear weapons.

Such stupidity alone should disqualify McCain from ever getting near the White House.


Not only that, but McCain’s first speech last month — after Georgia’s invasion of South Ossetia was repulsed by Russia — was plagiarized from Wikipedia, according to Taggen Goddard:

A Wikipedia editor emailed Political Wire to point out some similarities between Sen. John McCain’s speech today on the crisis in Georgia and the Wikipedia article on the country Georgia. Given the closeness of the words and sentence structure, most would consider parts of McCain’s speech to be derived directly from Wikipedia.

If you go back that far, you might remember that in 1988 Joe Biden — now Obama’s VP candidate — was ridiculed for plagiarizing a speech (appropriately) of Brit socialist Neil Kinnock. It destroyed Biden’s campaign.

So, why isn’t McCain being ridiculed for his plagiarism — and driven from the race in favor of another Republican, such as Sarah Palin?

We know McCain admitted he doesn’t use computers, so he didn’t plagiarize Wikipedia.  But somebody on his staff must have cut-and-pasted the Wikipedia entry.

Maybe it was Randy Scheunemann, McCain’s top national security adviser, who did the deed. As Pat Buchanan described him:

He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons for client regimes who have made this moral mercenary a rich man.

From January 2007 to March 2008, the McCain campaign paid Scheunemann $70,000 – pocket change compared to the $290,000 his Orion Strategies banked in those same 15 months from the Georgian regime of Mikheil Saakashvili.

So, McCain’s top national security strategist is a bought-and-paid-for agent of Georgia’s corrupt tyranny, which came to power in a “tainted” election.

“Maverick” McCain: Tool of the special interests

This shows us all we need to know about McCain’s “judgment” in picking associates and establishing a foreign policy. He is not a “maverick” and “outsider,” but an insider who plays the Washington game of imposing policies on America based on the special interests.

I was saying … about newspapers…?

September 9, 2008

Yesterday I wrote a blog, “Newspapers are dead.”

Today’s articles in Editor and Publisher:

Gannett to Re-Org, Cut 100 Management Positions


‘Orange County Register’ Studying Switch to Tabloid

When the OC Post — a short-lived tabloid — was announced just over 2 years ago, I was still at the OC Register. I remember that since-fired-cartoonist Mike Shelton predicted that the Register would become the Post. Looks like that’s going to happen.

Now, the Post lasted 18 months. So does that mean the Register, as a printed paper, has 18 months left?