Queen Elizabeth II needs to depose PM Brown, restore freedom to the UK

queen elizabethBritain’s ruling Socialist “Labour” Party is jacking up the top tax rate to 60%.

The country also is close to bankruptcy:

There is now a palpable fear that global investors may start to shun British debt as the budget deficit rockets to £118bn — 8 per cent of GDP — or charge a much higher price to cover default risk.

The connection is obvious: The Socialist Party has driven productive people to other countries, or underground, while spending the country into penury.

Will Brits — or Americans — ever learn?

Queen Elizabeth II should dismiss Prime Minister Brown and his socialist cabinet and rule the country herself, eliminating income, capital gains, and business taxes — and ending the spendthrift welfare state along with all the Orwellian controls Brown, and his predecessor, Prime Minister O’Brien — excuse me, Blair — imposed.

Britain no longer is a real democracy and free country. So, Brits would be better off if their despot, Brown, was displaced by their beloved monarch as the locus of real power.

Yes, I know that the Brit royals, Prince Charles even more so than QEII, are a bit leftish.

hans-adamThat’s why the queen should take as her model Hans-Adam II, prince of Liechtenstein, who runs his country impeccably, with rock-bottom tax rates and sky-high freedoms. He actually said, “Our low taxes attract foreign depositors, and tax evasion is not a crime under Liechtenstein laws.” No wonder the country is booming.

He is her seventh-cousin, once removed. So, as we say in America, they’re, like, from the same ‘hood.

After the queen is done restoring freedom to Britain, she could start on the other countries in the Commonwealth, beginning with loopy, Soviet Canada.

2 Responses to “Queen Elizabeth II needs to depose PM Brown, restore freedom to the UK”

  1. karima khan Says:

    I would just like to say, that whilst top jobs are being secured by whites, what kind of rule does this actually make this, is it democracy or are we still in rasicism, with thugs.

  2. huw williams Says:

    New labour, socuialisty? Don’t make me laugh .They might not be as right wing as the nutters like you that cause d trhe bloody mess , but the only real differnce between them and the tories is that the tories don’t have to pretend to care about amybopy earning under 50K

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