“Escape from New York II”

Kurt Russell should make another sequel to his movie “Escape from New York.” This one, “Escape from New York II,” would feature New Yorkers fleeing tax-collecting ogres.

Reported the New York Post:

New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers — and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows.

More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008, according to the report from the Empire Center for New York State Policy. It was the biggest out-of-state migration in the country.

The vast majority of the migrants, 1.1 million, were former residents of New York City — meaning one out of seven city taxpayers moved out.

New York rivals California in having terrible government. Mayor Bloomberg and the New York state’s governors have been obsessed with hitting people with greater taxes.

It was just in 2007 when Bloomberg and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger were celebrated as by Time magazine “The New Action Heroes.” Now, both men are global laughingstocks of bad government.

Come to think of it, Kurt Russell already made a flick about leaving Taxifornia, “Escape from L.A.” After making “Escape from New York II,” he could make “Escape from L.A. II.”

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