Why isn’t Michael Moore attacking Obama?

Michael Moore’s 2004 documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” was a searing indictment of Bush’s unjust and unconstitutional Iraq War. Unfortunately, his new movie, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” looks to be more leftist agitprop, like his last one, “Sicko,” he paean to Soviet medical care, and the anti-Second Amendment “Bowling for Columbine” before that. (“Sicko” is ably skewered by John Stossel here.”

Here’s a question: Will he interview people who have accurately described what happened during the meltdown, such as Rep. Ron Paul in his new “End the Fed”  and historian Thomas Woods in “Meltdown“? They have described how the Federal Reserve Board, under chairmen Greenspan and Bernanke, goosed the economy to pay for the Iraq War. The chairmen inflated the dollar and kept interest rates artificially low. The result was the mid-2000s boom, followed by the mega-bust we’re suffering now.

Moore  Obama

A clue to what Moore is up to can be seen in a recent interview:

THR: In your opinion, what’s the single worst legacy of George W. Bush?

Moore: That he has yet to be arrested for committing the worst crime the leader of a nation can commit: lie to the people and convince them to invade another country and kill its people with absolutely no provocation. There are 8,662 parents who might better answer this question.

He’s referring to the 4,331 Americans being killed in Iraq. And he’s right: Bush should be arrested for his crimes and put on trial, along with Cheney, Condi, Rummy, etc.

So, does Moore then goes on to attack Obama for continuing Bush’s Iraq War, expanding Bush’s Afghan War, and even starting a new war in Pakistan? Nope. Instead, he wallows in his love for the new Boss:

Moore: I’m still in a stupor of stunned ecstasy that Obama won. And I approve of most everything he’s done, from apologizing to the Iranians for America overthrowing their democratically elected president in 1953 to appointing Kumar (actor Kal Penn of the “Harold and Kumar” movies) to a White House position. He is doing the best he can with the mess he inherited, and I and millions of others are counting on him never to forget that he came from the working class and that his people need him now more than ever. As for the congressional Democrats, what a bunch of losers — weak, scared, stupid. They had better get a clue pretty quick or the Dark Forces will return.

Obama = Bush

He doesn’t see that Obama = Bush. After all, Obama has kept in power Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and just re-appointed Bush’s Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke. In Obama’s 7 months in office, there has been no change at all. It’s, Meet the new boss, same as the old boss — once again.

And just as Bush’s economics team was headed by Hank Paulson of Goldman Sachs, so Obama’s team includes Goldman Sachs guys Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, and Robert Rubin. Not surprisingly, with both Republicans and Democrats tied in with Goldman Sachs, the company just posted a record profit — while the rest of us suffer unemployment, bankruptcy, and destitution.

End the Fed

The only way to end this crooked domination of Wall Street over government is to abolish the Federal Reserve Board, as Ron Paul has proposed. Then we can have honest money again — that is, money backed by gold. Honest money means the government can’t pay for wars by robbing the people through inflation, thus making long wars — like those of Bush-Obama — impossible.

So, the only real question about “Capitalism: A Love Story” is whether Moore will call for abolishing the Fed. I doubt it.

Moore also should do a sequel to “Fahrenheit 9/11” — call it “Fahrenheit 9/12” — attacking Obama’s continuation and expansion of Bush’s wars, and pointing out how the Republicans, whom he calls the Dark Forces, are the same as the Democrats — as Pat Buchanan once put it, they’re the two wings of the same bird of prey.

But Moore won’t do that, either. He’d rather have his delusion of “Change you can believe in.”

3 Responses to “Why isn’t Michael Moore attacking Obama?”

  1. jturner Says:

    I agree that we need to end the Fed. Unfortunately Ron Paul is the only congressman with the courage and intelligence to favor this. The govt is destroying our currency slowly but surely, and one of the only ways for the average person to protect his or her wealth in this situation is to find an asset class that will benefit from all the money printing and deception, and gold actually qualifies, because the money printing reduces the dollar’s value, and the gold price is denominated in dollars. Here is a further discussion on the gold price and the government’s money printing plans.

  2. DJF Says:

    “”””and I and millions of others are counting on him never to forget that he came from the working class “””’

    Is he talking about the Obama whose grandmother that raised him was a bank vice President, or his mother the PHD and father the Kenyan political operative. Or Obama himself who went to a private prep school and then went to a series of “elite” private universities paid for by unknown benefactors and then got a job from a rich foundation. Michael More must have a different idea of “working class” then I do.

    As to policy, Obama is following Bush’s foreign, military, trade, economic, immigration, and even health policy since Bush himself greatly expanded the governments role in health care with his prescription drug policy

  3. Marc Rodill Says:

    Oh no, Moore has an opinion and supports someone?

    What a jerk!

    If you ask me, I wanted Ron Paul to be president as well. But if you’ll be realistic, you will realize that Ron Paul will never become president. There’s simply no benefit to the “power that be” if he becomes president, and they’ll never support him.

    Everyone knows corporations fund the campaigns of politicians (okay, I lied. Everyone SHOULD know). Obama is just a pawn. So, as far as a puppet goes, I like him well enough. He makes for interesting talk, like your pointless post, for example.

    Sure, sure. End the Fed. It’s a good idea. Is it going to happen? Maybe. But in our lifetime? Get real.

    Americans are “too pansy” to do stand up for anything in this country. They’d rather have “freedom of speech” than the freedom to take action. Subsequently, by demanding we get our “security”, we give our government more and more power over us.

    So how’s this for conflicting opinions: generally speaking, I like Obama, I like Ron Paul, and I like Michael Moore. The only thing you can do in this life, is give your best. They’re all just trying to do their best, however they can.

    “In Obama’s 7 months in office, there has been no change at all.”

    Hahahaha. Oh? Oh!

    “Get this, man. He thought they were going to CHANGE things. Serious!”

    Hahaha. No kidding!

    How delusional are you?

    Politicians are not put in office to “change things.” They are put there to keep things the same, while giving the illusion that they are “trying” to change things. That’s the real reason Obama won office, he pulled this illusion off so well. With finesse. What a spectacle. Fooled ’em all.

    Just like Bush did. Just like our next president will, and the one after him.

    (By the way, I hated Bush just as much as you do.)

    And, I read some of your posts where you stated that smoking bans are causing Hitler to smile in the depths of hell… lol. What a comparison. Bravo.

    You are a riot. I have been “trying” to quit smoking for 4 years. Guess when I started? …4 years ago. Smoking is a crutch. If you think banning smoking is ruining social situations, well, what’s the REAL reason you’re upset?

    You need to fall back on tobacco to make your interactions, and life, interesting? C’mon, get a grip. Smoking is bad for every part of you. The only part of you that even entertains the idea that a cigarette is enjoyable, is your mind. Aw hell, I’m sorry. That’s powerful enough.

    Government gotcha there, too!

    “Smoke our ‘weed’, we’ll get you hooked, you’ll *most likely* have health issues, and spend your money with our insurance companies and government funded health facilities.

    “But no, while we’re at it, remember, our country is in debt. Because we fight all the evil “terrorists.” No need to thank us, just realize that we are broke because of our exceptionally good deeds!

    “Forget the fact that we will always be in debt, for just a second, so that under the guise that “smoking is bad for you”, we’re going to raise the tax on tobacco, not only to help “persuade” you to stop because “it’s bad for you”, but because if you’re stupid enough to continue to smoke, then hell, you might as well help us pay off our deficit, one that will never go away, so we can use it how we see fit, like waging more wars, or whatever.



    Who Gives A [expletive]

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