NY Times perpetuates its own myth on “death panels”

I sure am not going to miss the New York Times when it’s euthanized. It’s always been the government’s Pravda to the Washington Post’s Izvestia.

Today there’s this headline:

False “Death Panel” Rumor Has Familiar Roots

The story begins:

WASHINGTON — The stubborn yet false rumor that President Obama’s health care proposals would create government-sponsored “death panels” to decide which patients were worthy of living seemed to arise from nowhere in recent weeks….

But the rumor — which has come up at Congressional town-hall-style meetings this week in spite of an avalanche of reports laying out why it was false — was not born of anonymous e-mailers, partisan bloggers or stealthy cyberconspiracy theorists.

Rather, it has a far more mainstream provenance, openly emanating months ago from many of the same pundits and conservative media outlets that were central in defeating President Bill Clinton’s health care proposals 16 years ago….

They’re already killing patients!

But as I pointed out yesterday, the death panels already exist.

And what to the Timesies expect is going to happen? When costs go up and about half of medical expenses come in the last 6 months of life, there’s no way grandma and grandpa are not  going to escape being snuffed out. It already happens in Holland under its socialized medicine scheme.

Democrats might as well put their whole socialized medicine scheme under the leadership of smiling “Dr.” Jack Kevorkian — Dr. Death

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