National Guard training for clampdown is understandable…

The National Guard in Maine is conducting a riot control drill at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School to “prepare in the event of a panic over distribution of serum to treat the swine flu”

That’s understandable. After all, there might be other reasons to clamp down on citizens, such as those feisty Town Hall meetings to protest the Democrats’ deadly Socialized Medicine scheme.

1863: Federal troops kill draft protesters

And with Obama extending the Bush wars, a draft will soon be needed to bring in enough troops to occupy all those unruly foreign countries Obama wants to occupy. We might have draft riots in like the New York Draft Riots in 1863 that greeted Lincoln’s enslavement of young men to die fighting in his Army of the Potomac.

Freedom is a volatile thing, and the last thing the government wants to do is let it get out of control.

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