Another Bush Iraq War lie disproven

Why President Obama is continuing President Bush’s Iraq War is a mystery. The whole mess was a lie from beginning to … well, when will it end?

One of the lies the Bush regime and its Neocon propagandists used to excuse the war was that Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher, a pilot lost over Iraq in 1991 during the first President Bush’s Iraq War I, had been held captive ever since by Saddam. Here’s what Secretary of Defense Donald “RummyDummy” Rumsfeld said in March 2002, as the Bush regime was gearing up its propaganda offensive to invade Iraq:

The Bush administration voiced deep skepticism today over a reported offer from Iraq to discuss the status of an American pilot who was shot down there in 1991.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today that Iraq’s supposed offer to discuss Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher had been reported only through news media outlets and not through formal channels between the countries.

”I don’t believe very much that the regime of Saddam Hussein puts out,” Mr. Rumsfeld said. “They’re masters at propaganda.

Actually, of course, Saddam was an amateur at propaganda. The professionals were Bush and the Neocons.

Speicher located

Lt. Cmdr. Speicher’s remains just were found:

WASHINGTON — Navy officials announced early Sunday that Marines in the western Iraqi province of Anbar had found remains that have been positively identified as those of an American fighter pilot shot down in the opening hours of the first Persian Gulf war in 1991.

The Navy pilot, Capt. Michael Scott Speicher, was the only American missing in action from that war. Efforts to determine what happened to him after his F/A-18 Hornet was shot down by an Iraqi warplane on Jan. 17, 1991, had continued despite false rumors and scant information.

Conflicting reports from Iraq had, over the years, fueled speculation that the pilot, promoted to captain from lieutenant commander in the years he was missing, might have been taken into captivity either after parachuting from his jet or after a crash landing.

But the evidence in Iraq suggests he did not survive and was buried by Bedouins shortly after he was shot down.

Wasted lives

Of course, the First Iraq War, like the Second Iraq War, never should have been fought. Speicher’s life was wasted, along with all the thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died in the Bush Crime Family’s obsession with Iraq and Saddam, whom they once — let us remember — supported with foreign aid.

Here’s Bush flunky Rumsfeld meeting Saddam in 1984 to give him American military equipment for Saddam’s war against Iran. At least back then, under Reagan — Bush I was vice president — America wasn’t so stupid as to put its own ground forces into the Middle East in long, bankrupting wars.

Remember the Vietnam MIAs?

And one more thing, fellow Americans, the Bush family used Speicher’s unfortunate fate — his supposedly being missing in action and held captive by Saddam — as a propaganda tool. But what did the Bushes ever do to get back the American MIA’s from Vietnam who still could be over there?

For you youngsters out there, Vietnam was the war that young W., the future President Bush II, avoided when his daddy got him into the Texas Air National Guard, in which he heroically kept the Viet Cong from invading Galveston, at least when he wasn’t going AWOL and getting drunk.

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