Arnold’s April Fool’s Day for taxpayers

I always opposed Arnold’s political career, beginning with his pet initiative in 2002, Prop. 49,  that goosed spending $500 million. He claimed that, for every $1 spent on the new programs, $3 would be saved for taxpayers.

Ever hear of a government program that worked that way? If that’s the way things worked, Obama’s $2 trillion “bailout” ripoff would be “saving” us $6 trillion — leading to the total elimination of taxes. Government “spending” that “saves” tax money is the ultimate perpetual motion machine.

In 2003, Arnold promised to oppose all new taxes, and was elected governor. In 2006, voters put him back in office. I opposed him every time, knowing he was just an Austrian socialist who married into American royalty, the socialist Kennedy family.

April Fool!

Now here we are, April Fool’s Day 2009, and his $12.5 billion in massive tax increases is kicking in. The average family will pay a couple thousand dollars more in taxes every year — unless they leave the state. I expect a large number will, further reducing the tax base — and leading to yet more tax increases. Our sales and income taxes, already the highest in Amerika, now are even higher.

To paraphrase Joni Mitchell, Arnold tore down paradise and put up a massive tax state.

And for what? Arnold says the “people” demanded that taxes be increased. He’s right:

  • The people in the powerful teachers’ unions.
  • The people in the powerful prison guards’ unions.
  • The people in the powerful government-workers’ unions.
  • The people in the Kennedy family.
  • The people in the editorial, columnist, and editorialist chairs at the ultra-leftist Los Angeles Times.
  • The people in the Marxist universities.
  • The people in the state Legislature.

He and his fat-cat buddies will be living it up, drinking champagne and chugging caviar on their yachts, while the rest of us slave away for them to pay for everything.

All we have to look forward under Arnoldocracy is blood, sweat, toil, tears, and taxes.

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