Republicans continue to push tyranny


Wiped out in two general elections, Republicans still haven’t learned that Americans don’t want your stinking tyranny!

Yet there they go again. 18 Republicans in Congress, including 3 from California, are pushing to pass a new bill that would extend Soviet tyrannies they passed when they were the majority in Congress.

It’s H.R. 1467, the “Safe and Secure America Act of 2009.” A better name: The SS Amerika Akt, or Runic "SS" Amerika Akt.

It extends parts that soon would expire from the 2003 USA PATRIOT ACT, which Congress passed in a panic after the 9/11 attack, and which would be better termed the USSR TRAITORS’ Act. It repealed our sacred liberties and turned American into a tyranny.

Three of the co-sponsors are from Kalifornia:  Reps. Dan Lungren, Duncan Hunter, and Elton Gallegly.

Hunter ran a risible campaign for president last year.

Lungren is notorious as an enemy of American liberties. In the early 1980s he authored the Lungren Law, which allows the government to seize your property for any reason — even if you’re innocent — without a trial. A senile Ronald Reagan signed it. It’s a total violation of the Fourth Amendment guarantee against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” He’s still at it, getting Congress to pass a new seizure law. Herr Lungren belongs in the Reichstag in 1939, not the U.S. Congress in 2009.

So long as Republicans keep proposing, and imposing, the Runic "SS" Amerika Act and similar tyrannies, they should lose every election — and deserve to.

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