Why Bush really may have been the worst president

I don’t know if Bush was America’s worst president. We’ve had so many terrible ones. If you’re old enough, remember LBJ and Nixon?

But Bush very well may have been the worst.

That’ s because what makes America unique in the annals of human history isn’t our prosperity (gone now anyway), the Super Bowl, or rock and roll. It’s the U.S. Constitution, which protects our liberties by wrapping hoops of steel around government.

Bush, more than any president since at least FDR, ripped off those hoops of steel and made a massive assault on our liberties. After him, there’s not much left of the Constitution. In the name of “protecting” us, he shredded our real protector: the Constitution.

All the vast new totalitarian powers Bush seized, last week he bequeathed to Obama.

I’ve written about this for 8 years. But a good summary comes from Christopher Manion:

Fact: Bin Laden spent half a million on 9-11, with the audacity of hope that Bush’s response would bankrupt America. It did.

Fact: 9-11 was not the most catastrophic event of the past eight years. Nor was the politically-derived collapse of our economy.

Fact: The most catastrophic event of the past eight years was the evisceration of the U.S. Constitution by a bipartisan gang of thieves and egomaniacs who show no remorse or regret for their crimes.

Fact: Bush did everything he could to destroy the fabric of comity among nations; now his spear-carriers spurn the option of their humble, honorable exit and instead fiendishly prepare to blame Obama for the consequences of Bush’s travesties.

Fact: Obama will create enough travesties of his own, thank you.

Fact: The same bipartisan peanut gallery that propounds fear of another 9-11 actually celebrates the 600,000 unnecessary deaths of the Civil War. Like Madeline Albright cheering the deaths of half a million Iraqi children **before** 9-11, these fanatics think those 600,000 deaths were “worth it.”

Fact: Our long national nightmare is not over, because the fulcrum upon which we must rely to leverage a recovery of our liberties — the Constitution — is ignored. All that is left is schoolyard taunts and mindless legacy-building.

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