Obama continues his Bush impersonation

Maybe we should just elect impressionist Rich Little as president. Because all Obama is doing so far is an impression of Bush. What happened to “change we can believe in”?

Obama is continuing the ridiculous secrecy Bush imposed. Isn’t this supposed to be an open society, with an open government? The latest:

The White House press operation got off to a fumbling and stumbling start Thursday, with the day’s opening briefers insisting on being identified only as “senior administration officials,” followed swiftly by the new president’s spokesman accidently outing one of the secret aides less than two minutes into his first White House briefing.

Although President Obama swept into office pledging transparency and a new air of openness, the press hammered spokesman Robert Gibbs for nearly an hour over a slate of perceived secretive slights that have piled up quickly for the new administration.

And Obama is continuing Bush’s use of the “war on terror” phrase, even though terror is a tactic, not a country. It’s like saying “war on berms.”

No, one fights groups of people, not tactics.

But the “war on terror” is an open-ended phrase that lets the president do whatever he wants with the military, with no one — not Congress, the press, the people — being allowed to question him. Wouldn’t want to damage the “war on terror,” would you?

Again, we might as well have made Rich Little a Bush-impressionist president who would continue this secretiveness, saving the $170 million cost of the inaugural.

By the way, someone ought to give Obama a copy of “The Art of War,” by Sun Tzu. It makes von Clausewitz look like Bush.

There’s a free copy online here.

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