36 years and 50 million dead babies later, Roe v. Wade continues…

babyBack in the fall of 1972 I was a senior in high school in Michigan. On the ballot that Nov. 7 was a state initiative to legalize abortion, Proposal B. Voters overwhelmingly rejected it. Although I was too young to vote, I campaigned for it. A similar pro-life was taken the same day in North Dakota. It seemed that democracy was working. A pro-life electorate was defending the unborn.

The next January 22, 1973 — 36 years ago today —  the U.S. Supreme Court imposed its Roe v. Wade decision, overturning every state abortion law in the country. Absurdly, it even overturned the laws in states with legal abortions, such as California and New York. Roe created a new “right” to let an abortinoist trick a mother into letting him kill her baby. Life, decency, and democracy all were aborted.

Dissenting Justice Byron “Whizzer” White branded the edict “raw judicial power.” His dissent was joined by Justice Rehnquist.

The other 7 “justices” signed off onto Roe. I still remember the names of these demons: Blackmun, the dummy who wrote an  opinion so incoherent even abortion backers were shocked by its foolishness; Brennan and Douglas, who put him up to it because they were known as leftist radicals and didn’t want to become the locus of criticism; Powell; Stewart; Burger, the new “conservative” Republican chief “justice”; and Black, who started his career as a Ku Kux Klan member.

“Roe” actually was Jane McCorvey, who was “forced” to have her baby before the decision came down. She later admitted that she lied about getting pregnant from a rape and recanted her involvement in the case. She also had a religions conversion and last year supported for president pro-life Rep. Ron Paul, also an obstetrician who delivered 5,000 babies.

So the case itself was based on a fraud. Yet it stands as above the Constitution.  As written, the Constitution clearly allows the states to decide such matters as punishment for murder, robbery, rape, and abortion. There is no “right” to get an abortionist to cut out your child. The whole thing was made up because the court hated democracy almost as much as it hated babies.

What should have happened

After the 1973 Roe edict, the 7 pro-abort demons should have been immediately impeached by the House, removed by the Senate, tarred-and-feathered by the people, and exiled from the country. That didn’t happen. The country’s “leaders,” such as Republican President Nixon and the Democrats who controlled Congress, were not at all displeased with the ruling.

For one thing, it was a solution to the “Population Bomb” foolishness then popular, in which we were promised that there would be mass starvation in the 1970s and 1980s unless population was reduced sharply. One way to do that was to make sure populations were not born in the first place.

Of course, there was no mass starvation in the 1970s and 1980s. Rather, more and more countries embraced capitalism, which produced vast new food sources and rising standards of living. Specifically, China and India, which had suffered periodic famines and mass starvation for millennia, embraced capitalism and now are powerful capitalist countries with obesity problems.

But the “Population Bomb” damage was done. In particular, the First World — Europe, America, and Japan — saw birth rates decline sharply from abortion. Europe and Japan’s populations began dropping. America’s population is increasing still only because of immigration. The native stock’s abortions have cut births below replacement levels.

It’s now clear that legalized abortion means your country has committed suicide.

Democrats once were pro-life

babyIt’s not remembered much now, but Democrats once were the pro-life party. They base was working-class, unionized “ethnics” (mostly Catholics) in the North, evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants in the South, and blacks in most places — each a part of the strong Democratic coalition FDR assembled in 1932, and each a strongly pro-life group. But in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Democratic Party was taken over by leftists, such as George McGovern, who were pro-aborts. They chased the active pro-lifers out of their party.

Republicans also pro-aborts

The active pro-lifers ended up in the Republican Party. Until then, the rich folks who ran the party, such as the Rockefellers, were pro-aborts. But they needed the pro-lifers to add to their numbers so they could start winning elections. So the pro-lifers were welcomed and were promised that abortion soon would be ended. They were told that Republican presidents would appoint pro-life justices.

So here we are, 36 years after Roe. During those years, Democrats ran the White House just 12 years, or 1/3 of the time. Republicans ran the White House 24 years, or 2/3 of the time. Democrats, sure enough, appointed pro-abort “justices,” two of them. Republicans, as they promised, appointed pro-life justices, 4 of them. But Republicans also appointed 4 pro-abort “justices.”

The current court is 5 pro-aborts (3 Republicans,  2 Democrats) and 4 pro-lifers (all 4 Republicans).

So, we never made it to a majority of pro-lifers. For 36 years, Republicans totally betrayed the pro-life movement. They led us along with promises that, if we just supported them one more time, they would appoint that elusive 5th pro-life justice. It all was a con. So Republicans are more responsible for abortion remaining legal than Democrats, who at least are implementing their promises.

Obama: President Abortion

babyNow Obama is president and will appoint 2-3 new justices, all of whom will be pro-aborts. If he gets a second term, there will be more.

That means that abortion is about as permanant a public policy as you can get.

Obama’s administration is “abortocratic,” one writer calls it.  He also promised Planned Parenthood (really, Murderhood) that he would sign the misnamed “Freedom of Choice Act.” According to one analysis:

F.O.C.A. will assist adult males in keeping their rape of our minor daughters hidden. It will force faith-based hospitals and health care professionals to provide abortions, it will fund organizations that perform and promote abortion to our children, it will force employer health insurance plans to cover abortion. Here’s the worst. F.O.C.A. will make partial-birth abortion legal again (killing a full term baby).

America aborted

babySince 1973, 50 million American babies have been aborted. About 40% have been black, even though blacks are 12% of the population. So the black abortion rate is almost 4 times that of everybody else. It means 20 million dead black babies. Isn’t Obama supposed to be in favor of civil rights for blacks?

Also, in California, more than half of abortions are of Latino babies.

In effect, we have mostly white abortionists profiting off the murders of blacks and Latinos. The Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party couldn’t have come up with a more racist policy.

I was a hopeful teenager back in 1973 — hopeful that we could overturn Roe. Now at 53 that hope long has gone, the victim of numerous Republican betrayals.

In the intervening 36 years, America has changed so much that it hardly is itself anymore. Abortion aborted America. What survives is something horrible and difficult to live in. It’s all the more painful if you love America greatly, as I do. It’s like seeing your wife kidnapped into a white slave ring and being unable to do anything about it.

Well, we can pray. That’s all that’s left.

2 Responses to “36 years and 50 million dead babies later, Roe v. Wade continues…”

  1. Tony Bushala Says:

    John – does the Libertarian party have a consensus on this issue?

  2. John Says:


    The Libertarian Party’s consensus is that abortion should be decided by the states. The LP sticks to the Founding Fathers’ original, federalist beliefs.

    LP members differ on whether the state they live in should have legal abortion. But the state question is moot until Roe v. Wade is overturned, which is unlikely to happen for some time, as I explained.


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