Bush’s destructon of Iraq

Imagine if, in the last 6 years, 75 million Americans were dead or displaced. That’s the equivalent of what Bush did to Iraq.

Since his aggressive, unconstitutional, unjust, and unconscionable invasion in 2003, here are the numbers:

1.3 million Iraqis dead.

2.7 million Iraqis displaced inside Iraq.

2 million Iraqis exiled to other countries.

Total: 6 million Iraqis dead or displaced. That’s about 1/4 of the country’s prewar population of 24 million.

(In addition, 4,223 Americans have been killed — so far — and 30,000 to 100,000 wounded.

The war, as everyone now knows (and as I knew before the war started, and wrote about it), was totally based on lies: the lie that Saddam held “weapons of mass destruction,” the lie that he had delivery vehicles for the weapons that could reach America, and the lie that he had ties to al Qaeda.

Bush, Cheney, Condi and the other mass killers soon will be gone from office. They’ll be writing their memoirs for millions of dollars and collecting $100,000-plus speakers’ fees. If there were any justice in this world, they would be arrested and put on trial for aggressive war and mass murder, found guilty, and jailed for the rest of their lives. But there is no justice in this world.

However, there is nothing but justice in the next world.

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