Selling eggs now illegal in “free” America


Just incredible.

In Ohio, formerly a free state in formerly free America, a family sold some eggs to an undercover government agent — and was assaulted by a SWAT team.

SWAT teams are American — or Amerikan — versions of the Gestapo, the Geheime Staatspolizei: “Secret State Police.”

Hey, didn’t we defeat the Gestapo and the other Nazis in World War II? I seem to remember my father, who died earlier this year at 90, a captain in the U.S. Army in World War II, mentioning a little something about how he and a couple of million other G.I.’s invaded Europe and liberated it from tyranny.

Here’s what happened in Ohio, reported

A state agent from the Ohio Department of Agriculture pressured a family whose members run a food cooperative for friends and neighbors to “sell” him a dozen eggs, sparking accusations of entrapment from a lawyer defending the family.

The case brought by state and local authorities against a co-op run by John and Jacqueline Stowers in LaGrange, Ohio, came to a head on Dec. 1 when police officers used SWAT-style tactics to burst into the home, hold family members including children at gunpoint and confiscate the family’s personal food supply.

Secret police. Raids by government goons. Guns pointed at unarmed family members, including even children. Stealing food.

Is this America, or…

One Response to “Selling eggs now illegal in “free” America”

  1. Why Voting In Our Democracy Doesn’t Matter Anymore « Says:

    […] what happens when the feds start suing people for garage sales? and swat teaming families that sell eggs? Or get this what happens when  the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service feels like they have to have […]

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