Bush should stay in Iraq and command the troops

bushPresident Bush just flew into Baghdad for a farewell to the troops. He should stay there and lead them.

Like Napoleon or Alexander the Great, he should personally lead his troops into battle against the enemy. He should put on a helmet, pick up an M-16, and order his troops, “Follow me.”

It’s been 5-1/2 years now since his infamous “Mission Accomplished” victory celebration aboard an aircraft carrier. No victory is at hand even now.

What the Iraq War needs is its Commander-in-Chief on the scene, leading. Bush still has five weeks in office in which he could lead the troops to victory. In that time in 1944, Gen. George S. Patton, with far less powerful forces, gutted the best army Nazi Germany threw at him.

mission accomplishedNapoleon and Alexander, also with much less powerful forces, won battles in a matter of hours, or days.

Bush, who avoided combat service during the Vietnam War, now has a chance to prove he’s not just a sniveling coward, a chickenhawk.

His second-in-command would be, of course, VP Dick Cheney, another chickenhawk, who got 5 draft deferments during the Vietnam War.  He never put on a uniform. Now is his chance. Put him in the driver’s seat of a Hummer, with Bush riding shotgun and barking orders.

Let Bush and Cheney lead America, finally, and personally, to victory in Iraq.

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