Why hasn’t President Obama cured computer viruses?

Two days after the election I was expecting a Word document. I then accidentally opened a different Word document in a spam that contained a virus. I know better. But it was late and I’d had a couple shots of Dewars.

Almost 3 weeks later, I’m still fighting the virus.

But why hasn’t Obama taken steps to stop these viruses? The virus hit my computer 2 days after he was elected. Instead of all that celebration, he should have solved our problems, beginning with the virus on my computer.

Why is there no crash program to solve this problem? Solving it would add trillions of dollars to the GDP, pulling us out of the Bush-Greenspan-Neocon Depression. We’ve had 8 years of Bush doing nothing about computer viruses.

Where is the “Change we can believe in” concerning computer viruses? My “audacity of hope” for a cure for compter viruses is running toward despair.

Obama talks about more health-care coverage for Americans. Shouldn’t that include curing computer viruses?

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