Porkbarrel Porkbarrel Porkbarrel

Obama is big on his new make-work program, which supposedly will create $2.5 million jobs. It reality, it will only divert productive private resources to politically favored government waste. But yet…

Obama said a key component of any economic stimulus package would be spending on infrastructure projects, such as fixing roads or bridges, which could help ease the budgetary headaches now being experienced by state and local governments.

At the same time, the Chicago Democrat warned that the selection of which locally based projects to support would be based on need and not political back-scratching.

That would be a first for a Chicago politician.

Of course, the real reason for this spending is to support projects in Democratic districts to help Democrats win in elections in 2010 and 2012. As Steve Sailer points out:

A lot of state and local governments will need bailing out, most notably California, to prevent massive layoffs of civil servants. I expect to see, in the spirit of bipartisanship upon which Obama campaigned, a summit meeting between President Obama and Governor Schwarzenegger in which Obama hands tens of billions to California to meet payroll and even hire some more paper pushers and social workers. That’s what Obama’s entire career has been devoted to: taking money from productive people and hiring people like himself to collect paychecks while failing to solve social problems. That’s his base.

And unlike Republican presidents — such as Bush — who almost always sell out their base, Obama won’t sell out his. Instead, they’ll get the porkbarrel, the gravy, the apple pie, and the cooking sherry.

Under Obama, his Democratic base is going to think every day is Thanksgiving.

And it’s taxpayers who are going to get their heads chopped off.

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