Change you CAN’t Believe in

hillary obamaSo much for Obama’s promise to change the way things work in Washington, District of Criminals.

It just was reported that Robert Gates will stay on as Defense Commissar. What happened to Obama’s promise to get us out of Iraq? Gates is the architect of the current escalation in Iraq.

Then there’s Hillary. Obama beat her in the primaries because Democrats rebuffed her call to stay in Iraq, while embracing Obama’s call to get out. She’s going to be Foreign Affairs Commissar.

Oh, and just two years ago, in 2006, American voters put Democrats in charge of Congress specifically to end the Iraq war. They didn’t. The top Democratic henchman in Congress backing the Iraq war has been Rep. Rahm Emanuel — who now will be Obama’s chief of staff. Emanuel also was a Clinton operative.

Obama’s economic Commissariate is made up of Clinton regime retreads. Plus Federal Reserve hack Timothy Geithner will be Treasury Commissar. Geithner is a protege of Robert Rubin, the Clinton Treasury Commissar — and former top guy at Goldman Sachs. It’s the Federal Reserve Board that has debased the dollar, giving us inflation and the current economic meltdown.

So G-S will still be running things, as it did under Clinton, and as it continues to do under Bush, whose Treasury Commissar is Paulson, another former top boss at Goldman Sachs. G-S is a big bailout recipient. That’s why I call this the United States of Goldman Sachs.

The Obama administration is such a small departure from the recent past that we might as well have canceled the election, saved a couple billion in campaign costs, and let Bush keep running things.

Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses.

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