Sometimes macho is stupido

We’re witnessing the deserved demise of two politicians who boasted how tough they were, but now are humiliated by their own excesses: President Bush and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Seven years ago, Bush stood atop the world, the commander of the most fierce military machine the world had ever known. After 9/11, the world was tuned in to whatever Bush needed to do to get Bin Laden and the other terrorists who perpetrated the atrocities of that day.

mission accomplishedThe Neo”conservatives” flattered Bush by calling him “The Conquerer.” Every tough-guy American, including a lot of Rambo wannabees, urged Bush to “kick b*tt and take names.” His Second Inaugural Address, in 2005, was a call to America to force democracy on the rest of the world.

Today, America is a burned-out, bankrupt hulk of its former self. Even a Goliath, Americans have found out, can be brought down by dozens of Davids, if Goliath is foolish enough to keep challenging them on their own turf.

Sun Tzu

It’s unlikely Bush ever read, or even heard of, “On War,” by Sun Tzu, the greatest military strategist ever. Sun urged that the best way to defeat an enemy is to find a non-military way of doing so. That way, you win, and you keep your army. Fighting, especially at long distances, drains resources and bankrupts a country. (Sound familiar?) Fighting also reveals how capable, or incapable, your military is. The Iraq and Afghan wars showed that the U.S. military still is fighting World War II, and has almost no inkling that these are Fourth Generation wars. Bush’s Neocon strategists — Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, etc. — are even more ignorant.

Sun Tzu advised that, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will always win. But if you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always lose. Bush and the Neocons are the most ignorant “strategists” America has ever suffered under, so it was inevitable that America would lose.

It’s too bad so many “macho” regular American patriots were so gullible about Bush, the Neocons, and the supposed invincility of American arms. History is littered with empires that stretch too far: Athens and its Sicilian Expedition, Rome at its height in Teutoberg Forest, the British Empire at its height in Afghanistan.

This is why prudence is a more important virtue that fortitude.

Gov. Steroid

conanAnother example of macho hubris is Gov Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger.  Building on his steroid-fueled stardom in bodybuilding and movies, Arnold projected himself in his 2003 election campaign as Conan the Governor. He would pound into oblivion the state’s chronic overspending, deficits, and high taxes. One male letter writer, who perhaps had seen too many Arnold action flicks, wrote to The Orange County Register, where I then worked, that as governor, Arnold would “lift the state on his broad shoulders.”

Once in office, he attacked the Democratic leadership in the Legislature as “girly men.” He tried to slam through a badly designed reform package on the ballot in November 2005.

When he failed, he turned the state government over to his wife, Maria, a Kennedy with high-tax, Kennedy-spending ways. He is the most uxorious governor I’ve ever seen, in any state.

The result: record deficits, soon to be made even worse by tax increases that will not raise more revenue, but instead chase more businesses from the state.

Back in 2003, I tried to warn people that Arnold was a Hollywood phony, that if you withold the anabolic steroid injections, he’s just a 99-pound weakling. But few listened.

Now the state is in a downward spiral leading to bankruptcy.

In 2003, voters had a chance to choose the real deal, state Sen. Tom McClintock, who understood the budget better than anyone in the state. Typically, voters chose style over competence and integrity. They thought Arnold would “terminate” the state’s problems.


Two fake-macho men, Bush and Arnold, fooled people into giving them power. Both wrecked the polities they never should have been allowed to govern, America and California.

And we’re all going to pay for their folly, and that of their supporters, the rest of our lives.

2 Responses to “Sometimes macho is stupido”

  1. s j masty Says:

    “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings, look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.” And, of course, good riddance.

    Meanwhile, so many ‘Neo-Cons’ scuttle under the fridge.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Did Gm deserve the bailout? You Ask me I would say NO.. why? When Honda and Toyota were out inventing new cars, GM was busy boasting about its pride and Showing off its hungry hungry Daughter the Hummer

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