The United States of Taxia

This is one of those times — the early 1990s was another — when our Masters in Government tell us that higher taxes are the solution to all our problems, from the economic meltdown to the heartbreak of psoriasis. President Obama wants to boost federal taxes. And Gov. Arnold wants to boost state taxes out here in Taxifornia.

But consider this chart of income tax rates around the world. The darker the color, the higher the tax rate. It’s from this Wikipedia article:

tax rates

You can see that the USSA — the United Socialist States of America — has among the highest top tax rates in the world, higher than neighboring Canada and Mexico. We’re also higher than our major economic competitors, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Russia, and most countries in Europe.

America’s economy is not going to get moving again until we cut taxes, not increase them. America is over-taxed, over-governed, and soon will be over-Obamaed.

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