American blacks now being attacked because they’re most sensible on same-sex “marriage”

Proposition 8 was the recent, successful, California initiative that banned same-sex “marraige.” It overturned a state Supreme Court ruling that had imposed that absurdity on the state with the full, coercive force of government. Exit polls showed that it was supported by just 49% of whites and Asians, but 52% of Latinos and 70% of blacks.

This is because blacks are more immune to the the Cultural Marxism that pervades America. (Hey, who won the Cold War against Marxism? Looks like we actually lost.)

And blacks are more immune because the locus of their culture is in their local churches, whereas for whites and Asians that locus is in the universities and the mainstream media, which are Cultural Marxist institutions. For whites, this has happened as Christianity’s cultural power has waned in force the past 50 years, even for many people who go to church every Sunday. Certainly, many whites still are cultural Christians. But most are not.

In this, blacks certainly are to be commended and emulated. But now blacks are paying a price. California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, a Democrat who opposed Prop. 8, said:

I have friends in Los Angeles, who are African Americans in the (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community, and they went out to protest the vote and had racial epithets hurled at them. A couple of them were fearful, and they left because they were threatened.

These Ku Klux Anti-Prop. 8 fanatics have turned California into the old Jim Crow South. Will the state — backed by the California Supreme Court — next force blacks to the back of the bus and make them use separate drinking fountains?

This whole same-sex “marriage” nonsense is a boutique issue for busybody whites, many of whom, it turns out, have the racial beliefs of Bull Connor.

Thank God America has so many wonderful black people.

One Response to “American blacks now being attacked because they’re most sensible on same-sex “marriage””

  1. JF Quinn Says:

    “These Ku Klux Anti-Prop. 8 fanatics have turned California into the old Jim Crow South.”

    I’m sorry to find you resorting to impugning the South. Looks like your years in southern California left you comfortable with the sort of bigotry usually found in anti-Prop 8 Hollywood leftists.

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