To Gov. Arnold, taxpayers are “juszt bodiez”

commando At the end of the movie “Commando,” Arnold Schwarzenegger, by himself, invades an island off the coast of California being occupied by several thousand troops of a wannabe South American dictator. Arnold kills every one of them. After that, an American general arrives with U.S. troops to help him. “Have you left anything for us?” the general asks.

Arnold replies, “Juszt bodiez.”

That’s also how he looks on California taxpayers in his obsession to steal more of their tax dollars to pay for his profligate spending. We’re “just bodies” to work as slaves on his plantation.

His own incompetence — his inability to balance a single budget in his 5 years in office — is overlooked, and the blame put on those who, he thinks, didn’t pay enough taxes. When his new scheme doesn’t work — when it drives taxpayers from the state — next year he’ll call for more tax increases, then more and more.

One Response to “To Gov. Arnold, taxpayers are “juszt bodiez””

  1. Cecillia Yegge Says:

    California overtaxed? We are OVERARNOLDED! How ’bout, instead of “I’ll be back” we have him say “I’ll be pack, and go back to Germany.”

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