I was right from the start about Georgia causing its war with Russia

When the Georgia-Russia War broke out more than 2 months ago, I immediately wrote that Georgia provoked it by invading South Ossetia, a breakaway country. After that, I wrote several more blogs, keeping my constant readers informed about what really was happening.

But the Bush administration, McCain, and Obama perpetrated the lie that Russia first invaded Georgia. The major media held that as well.

Now, the eyewitness accounts of impartial Western observes have proved that Georgia — or rather, its U.S.-backed government — began the war by invading South Ossetia and indiscriminately shooting up the place.

The Independent just ran a summary of the recent findings. The conclusion:

But surely it does matter, crucially, how this conflict began. It matters legally and morally. And it is bound, rightly so, to affect how we view the two countries concerned. Yet the general fuzziness of official US and British accounts left the impression that Russia was the guilty party, and Georgia a brave little democracy that big bad Russia wanted to snuff out. Not only did this version gain almost instantaneous acceptance, but it was almost impossible for Russia to contest, confirming as it did every existing negative stereotype.

What has now transpired, however, is that the US and Britain had no excuse for not knowing how the war began. They were briefed by the OSCE monitors at a very early stage, and those monitors included two highly experienced former British Army officers.

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