Government can’t even run its own election right

Government increasingly runs more and more parts of our lives. Yet it can’t competently do its most important job, run an election — America’s version of what Pareto called “the circulation of the elites.” The same people always end up as the top oppressors. But the elites are supposed to circle out the most incompetent and replace them with the slightly less incompetent, thus not getting the rest of us too upset — at least not until the whole outhouse collapses, as it may be doing now.

The British Daily Mail reports:

The American presidential election could descend into electoral chaos on Tuesday as unprecedented numbers of voters turn out to cast their ballot in a system that is largely untested.

The U.S. has an electoral system that is not organised, designed or funded to cope with ‘anywhere near a 100 per cent turnout’, a director of a leading independent electoral reform group has said.

As an estimated 130million Americans head to the polls, Doug Chapin, director of The Pew Charitable Trust’s, said voter turnout will ‘dwarf’ all other problems in this year’s presidential election.

Why so many people are voting, I don’t know. I don’t even know why I’m voting. The two parties and candidates are virtually identical in their policies, differing only slightly in which foreigners will be bombed and which domestic groups spied on or taxed more. But people have their delusions that voting for McBama or O’Cain will change anything, just as I have my delusion that writing in Ron Paul’s name will mean anything.

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