Pro-abortionists are lying about California’s Proposition 4, which would require parental notification before a child’s abortion

Out here in California we have a chance to require that parents be notified before a child has an abortion — if voters pass Proposition 4. Of course, abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. It’s the killing of an innocent child.

babyAbortion also is racist. Some 40% of abortions in America are of black babies, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population. So blacks are aborted at a rate almost four times as high as the rest of the population. Why Barack Obama is an ultra backer of abortion is a good question.

Yesterday on TV I saw an ad opposing Prop. 4. It showed a sleazy house, like one being foreclosed. The narrator says something like, Your daughter is safe and secure. But that’s not so in some families, where a daughter is abused by her father, gets pregnant, and needs to take care of her pregnancy without the abuser knowing about it.

It’s all a lie. It also shows how the pro-aborts also are anti-family.

babyThe most likely scenario is that a young girl gets pregnant by her 25-year-old boyfriend, who committed statutory rape. He then takes her to the local Free Clinic for an abortion paid for by the taxpayers. So, he gets away with two crimes: rape and abortion. The abortionist makes a lot of money. The taxpayers are hit, even if they’re pro-life and hate abortion.

The girl goes home and sulks. Her parents don’t know what’s wrong. They take her to a psych jockey. He puts the girl on valium. Maybe she commits suicide.

If a school gives a girl an aspirin, it first must ask parental permission. But under current law, the parents are cut out if their daughter has an abortion — even though the parents are the ones who conceived her, raised her, and loved her, and the abortion means the killing of her child, their grandchild.

Two initiatives similar to Prop. 4 lost in recent years by close votes. So there’s a chance it will pass on Nov. 4 — if the abortionists’ lying propaganda, worthy of Dr. Goebbels, doesn’t hold sway once again.

Vote Yes on Proposition 4.

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