My New Deal for John Kerry

KerryNews item:

The nation’s battered economy needs an old-fashioned “Rooseveltian lift” of regulatory reforms and government spending on the infrastructure, clean energy and other sectors, U.S. Sen. John Kerry said yesterday.

Except there was no “Rooseveltian lift.” President-for-Life FDR prolonged the Great Depression until 1946, recovery occurring until after he died, Republicans took charge of Congress, and passed a big tax cut over President Truman’s veto.

But since Kerry wants a New Deal, I have one for him. Just as FDR confiscated  property to pay for his Mussolini-inspired schemes that controlled people’s lives, Kerry’s wife’s wealth — something like $1 billion — will be confiscated, entirely. Even if he wins his Senate re-election bid on Nov. 4,  he and she will be forced to live on a salary no greater than that of a Starbucks barista.

Let this fat cat live like the rest of us for a change and we’ll see how much he likes socialism.

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