Chickenhawk Ben Shapiro’s propaganda film

A McCain voter (but not supporter) sent me this video by Ben Shapiro, who’s a chickenhawk. As I’ve noted, Shapiro is just 23, so he easily could join the U.S. Marines. A smart fellow, he could learn Arabic and help G.I.’s in Baghdad talk with the locals.

The video tries to get Christians to oppose Obama, but does so by being obsessed with warmongering. It wrongly identifies Ahmadinejad as Iran’s leader, when his post of “president” is not the top job, which is held by a mullah.

“Christianity is not pacifism,” the video intones. True, but Christianity believes in Just War Theory. Both the Iraq and Afghan wars violate Just War Theory because, to cite just 3 reasons:

a) They were not begun by the legitimate authority (the U.S. Congress, the only body the Constitution authorizes to declare war; it didn’t), but by the president.

b) They were not begun with a just cause. The Iraq War was justified because Saddam supposedly had WMDs and ties to al-Qaeda. That was all just lies, as some of us pointed out even before Bush launched the war. The Afghan War was begun to get Osama bin Laden, a just cause, but quickly turned aside from that to “nation building,” which is not just, especially in an area that has repeatedly expelled every invader, from Alexander the Great to the British Empire to the Soviet Empire. Osama still is out there, maybe not even in Afghanistan anymore.

c) They were not begun as a last resort. Saddam was cooperating in weapons inspections. The Taliban were only party cooperating in the hunt for bin Laden but, in any case, could have been circumvented to go after him. Taking down the whole Taliban regime was not necessary, especially in a tribal country with a weak central government.

No wonder both popes of this decade, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, opposed Bush’s aggressions. That’s the true Christian position.

Obama not a dove

Chickenhawk Shapiro’s video goes on to maintain that Obama is a pacifist who would dismantle the U.S. military. This is just pro-McCain propaganda. As Justin Raimondo points out, war suppoeters now are flocking to the pro-war Obama campaign.

The video attacks Obama for wanting to negotiate with Iran’s government. But now Bush is actually doing that. It tries to get us afraid of Venezuelan boss Chavez, the Caribbean pipsqueak.

Enough. The Shapiro video quotes Orwell, but is itself Orwellian.

I again invite Mr. Shapiro to become Lt. Shapiro, USMC — and not as a JAG  lawyer, but as a front-line jarhead. The Marines are still looking for a few good men.

He now practices law in Los Angeles, so here’s a link to a local Marine recruiter.

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