Republicans should blame themselves for ACORN corruption of the election

Republicans rightly are upset that ACORN, an activist group, is using federal tax money for political activism and electioneering, possibly illegal.

But Republicans have had 28 years, since Reagan’s first term, to cut off the funding, and haven’t done it.

When I got out of the U.S. Army in early 1982, I ended up that fall in Washington, D.C., as a young conservative activist. One of our movements was to “De-fund the Left.” Terrible name. Sounded like “De-fend the Left,” but nobody could think of a better one.

The policy was to cut off all the federal money that was going to ACORN, LULAC, the Legal Services Corp. and other leftist swine drinking at the taxpayers’ trough.

Not much happened. Pretty quickly, the Reagan administration was taken over by VP George H.W. Bush and his gang of “moderates,” such as Jim Baker. A conservative friend of mine wrote a song back then that had the lines — run a slow blues tune in your head —

Ooooh, I got the Jimmy Baker blues.
Ooooh, I got the Jimmy Baker blues.
Just when I thought we won
He say, Ha, ha! You lose.”

The unfabulous Bush and Baker boys shut down any attempts to cut funding to the Left. They didn’t care about any of that nutty conservative stuff.

When Republicans took over Congress in 1994, they had another chance, and did at first try to cut down spending on this and other wasteful things. But it didn’t go far. President Clinton flummoxed them.

The current President Bush hasn’t cared about any of this either. Instead, he has tried to get funding for conservative churches through his “Faith-Based Initiatives” scam — money that Obama now will get to give to his favored activist churches.

Now, ACORN and the others still are around, causing mischief. They won’t throw the election to Obama because John McCain’s incompetence already took care of that. But these groups, using your tax money, will make Obama’s victory look bigger than it actually is.

It’s another case of Republicans, yet again, hurting themselves and not acting on principle. Do they do anything else?

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