America no longer is a democracy

Last Monday saw the last gasp of American democracy. After overwhelming opposition by Americans, millions of whom wrote or called their congressmen, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected the Bush-Paulson-Pelosi-Reid $700,000,000,000.00 bailout of the crooks on Wall Street.

On Friday, the brief uprising was over as the House, following the Senate, passed the bailout after sufficient House members were bribed to switch to favoring the ripoff. Neither house of Congress followed the will of the people in the slightest degree. They followed the moneybags from Wall Street.

The crooked bailout was supported by Sens. Obama, McCain, and Biden. So voters have no choice in this November’s election. Either major-party candidate — McCain or Obama — is a crook beholden to Wall Street crooks. There is no choice.

There really is no point even voting this November. It’s all rigged. When Wall Street shouted, “Jump,” McCain and Obama asked, “How high?”

Americans do have one role: Paying the taxes for the biggest heist in history.

If America were a small country, Bush would invade it and impose democracy.

America has government of the crooks, by the crooks, for the crooks.

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