Live-blogging Palin/Biden debate (by the way, Palin is the MOST qualified of the 4 candidates)

I’ll be live-blogging the Palin/Biden debate tonight, at 6 pm PST, 9 pm EST. Check me out during the debate, or after it.

The media have been trashing Palin as not being qualified. They’re wrong, as usual.

She’s actually the most qualified. That’s because the other 3 candidates — Biden, McCain, and Obama — yesterday all voted in the Senate for the $700,000,000,000.00 ripoff of taxpayers to bail out Wall Street billionaires. That means each of the three now is disqualified from being president or vice president. Every one of these scam-supporters should quit.

If asked about the bailout tonight, Palin will have to support it, because she’s following McCain’s lead.

But if she were at the top of the ticket, as she ought to be, no doubt she would oppose it. What’s in it for Alaska’s citizens but a huge tax bill to support Wall Street crooks and their bought politicians, including Biden, McCain, and Obama?

See you online tonight.

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