Questions for the veep candidates

I’ll be live-blogging the veep debate Thursday night. So check me out during or after the debate.

In the meantime, here are the questions moderator Gwen Ifill should ask the veep candidates:

For Gov. Palin:

Q: Your beloved husband, Todd, was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. If Obama-Biden wins in November, would you join the AIP in calling for Alaska to secede from the Union?

Q: How far would you confront Russia over its troubles with Georgia? Would it be worth destroying America in nuclear armageddon?

Q: If a President McCain became erratic in office, or showed signs of insanity, would you recommend that Congress relieve him of his duties?

Q: You’re big supporter of Title IX, the federal program that mandates quotas for women in college sports. Would you support similar programs in other areas of life? For example, should the NFL and NBA mandate that 50% of players be female?

For. Sen. Biden:

Q: As a Catholic, you are required by your faith to be pro-life, as you were earlier in your career. Yet you switched to be pro-abortion when you ran for the presidency back in 1988. Is the state of your immortal soul worth less than your political ambitions?

Q: As someone who has backed the Iraq War, why didn’t you insist that the Congress first declare war, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution?

Q: Follow up: As someone who has never served in the military yourself, do you feel right sending young men to die in unconstitutional wars?

Q: Given Obama’s inexperience and your long experience, would you play a similar role to VP Dick Cheney, who has taken over much of the role of the president, secretly advancing your own agenda?

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