Bailot defeated — for now

The American people finally rose up and said to the ruling plutocrats: enough is enough! They screamed at Congress which, for a change, listened. The House just defeated the $700,000,000,000.00 bailout ripoff of taxpayers.

A key actor in the defeat was Ron Paul, who has been everywhere on the TV news shows and YouTube explaining how the government, not capitalism, caused this economic crisis, and why the bailout should be defeated. He’s been predicting the economic crash for years, and named the causes: inflation, government subsidies of loans, and expensive wars.

Failing companies should not be rewarded, but allowed to fail. Thats real capitalism, as opposed to the crony capitalism we increasintly have gotten in recent years, under which capitalists who buy Congress get bailed out, with the rest of us forced to pay the tab.

Two big losers were Obama and McCain, who were supporting the bailout ripoff. If they had any decency, both would quit the race, allowing Ron Paul to be nominated and elected by acclamation.

The people won this round.

But the battle isn’t over. It’s just starting.

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