Bush’s billionaire bailout: They get the gold mine, you get the shaft

It’s still being worked on, but the $700 billion bailout of the billionaires and their banks is, as of my writing, all but a done deal.

If you ever doubted the ultimate crookedness of the U.S. political system, doubt no more. It exists to profit the plutocrats who run everything. When they win, they get more billions. When they lose, the middle-class taxpayers are forced to bail them out, either with tax increases or inflation, which is another form of tax increase.

Heads the plutocrats win, tails you lose.

This isn’t the free market or capitalism, but “crony capitalism.” It’s crooks in power controlling us, profiting from us.

The answer is not to raise taxes or increase regulations: That just gives the plutocrats even more power.

Rather, the answer is to get rid of government as much as possible. Government, after all, caused this problem. Its wars have cost trillions. To pay for them, it has inflated the currency and run up more than $9 trillion in debt.The inflation and debt blew out the banking system and the economy.

Both Obama and McCain are part of this corrupt system. They won’t change anything. Do you think McCain will endanger second wife Cindy’s millions? Her 7 houses and 13 cars, including a Lexus? He’s just a gigolo for her and the plutocracy.

Obama is using the economic crisis to push for more government control of our lives: more taxes, more regulations, more Marxism.

Only Ron Paul has been telling the truth all along. He got just 4% of the vote here in Orange County, supposedly the most conservative highly populated area in the known universe. Actually, here Republicans, as elsewhere, just want to have their delusions confirmed by McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee, Bush, Cheney, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. They don’t want to hear the truth.

Ron Paul told them the truth — that the Empire of war, debt, and inflation couldn’t last. But they didn’t want to hear it.

Now the truth is hitting us all good and hard — even those of us, like me, who believed and supported Ron Paul all along.

Have a lovely Depression.

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