McCain flips out on the economy

I’ve always thought McCain eventually would flip out. His “Maverick” personal really hides an Establishment hack prone to unbalanced behavior.

Today he flipped out, “suspending” his campaign and seeking to postpone Friday’s debate so he can deal with the economic crisis. As if hanging around the U.S. Senate, with its history of corruption, were the solution. The “suspension” comes after 10 days of him floundering, offering one bad idea after the another to “solve” the crisis.

This contrasts with Obama, who has remained steady, calm, and collected by offering a single, comprehensive solution: Marxism to replace capitalism.

McCain should have said, “I’m taking a day off to formulate a comprehensive plan to solve this problem. I’ll announce it tomorrow. On Friday, we’ll debate it.”

A big problem problem he has is that the real ideas for ending this crisis all were advanced by Ron Paul — starting a year ago: Cut spending by ending America’s imperial adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.; abolish the evil Federal Reserve Board in favor of a return to the gold standard; eliminate the income tax. Just listen to Lew Rockwell’s podcast with Paul, in which Paul explains in just a few minutes, what’s really going on.

What’s wrong with America that Paul wasn’t nominated even by the nominally “conservative” party?

McCain’s true colors as an Establishment hack are shown by his not adapting any of Ron Paul’s brilliant, and necessary, ideas.

This is the unraveling of John McCain. We can expect him to start bashing Bush to prove his anti-Establishment bona fides, even though he’s a premier member of that Establishment.

And we can expect him to loose.

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