WHAT global warming?

I’ve spent 19 summers here in Huntington Beach, about a half mile from the Pacific Ocean. Except for the North Korean-style government, it’s paradise.

As the Beach Boys say, it’s an “Endless Summer” filled with “California Girls,” “Good Vibrations,” and nothing but “Fun, Fun, Fun.”

No air conditioning is needed. But usually I have to turn a fan on, especially at night, for about 20 days in the summer, as the day’s heat stays on the roof above my apartment.

This summer, which just ended, I didn’t turn the fan on once.

It was a cool summer that belies the impending global “warming” of the environmental doomsayers. Granted, it’s not a major scientific survey. But it’s what I experienced. And given that I’m near an ocean that’s supposed to rise up from the melting polar ice caps and sink me, my experience must count for something.

Meanwhile, South Africa just experienced a fluke snow storm in what is the first day of their “spring.”  Far from having global “warming,” it’s more likely we’re having a global cooling, as in the 1970s, when I remember Michigan temperatures diving down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit — so cold parts of my father’s car froze.

Far from us puny humans having much impact on global temperatures, this is a cyclical pattern from nature, probably from sun spots. August 2008 was the first sunspot-less month since June 1913. According to Wikipedia:

The number of sunspots correlates with the intensity of solar radiation over the period (since 1979) when satellite measurements of absolute radiative flux were available. Since sunspots are darker than the surrounding photosphere it might be expected that more sunspots would lead to less solar radiation and a decreased solar constant. However, the surrounding margins of sunspots are hotter than the average, and so are brighter; overall, more sunspots increase the sun’s solar constant or brightness. The variation caused by the sunspot cycle to solar output is relatively small, on the order of 0.1% of the solar constant (a peak-to-trough range of 1.3 W m-2 compared to 1,366 W m-2 for the average solar constant).[6][7] During the Maunder Minimum in the 17th Century there were hardly any sunspots at all. This coincides with a period of cooling known as the Little Ice Age.

Environmental fascism

But that hasn’t prevented environmentalist extremists from trying to take over even more areas of our lives by blabbing about global “warming” and the need to supposedly counter it by shutting down most industries.

In the current issue of The Nation magazine, Bill McKibben calls for a “Green Corps,” like, he says, the “Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the 1930s.”

He doesn’t note that the CCC, like most of Roosevelt’s New Deal, was modeled on fascist make-work programs such as those in Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy.

Wikipedia explains:

FDR’s personal letters reveal that he was impressed by what Mussolini was doing and said that he kept in close touch with that “admirable gentleman.”[8] Mussolini himself praised the New Deal as following his own corporate state, as quoted in a July 1933 article in the New York Times, “Your plan for coordination of industry follows precisely our lines of cooperation.”[9]

McKibben’s idea is to employ millions of the unemployed in programs that supposedly help the environment.

Actually, such programs would cost trillions of tax dollars, and destroy millions of American businesses and tens of millions of real, private sector American jobs. America’s descent would continue, even as the ascent of China, Japan, Europe, Russia, Brazil, India, etc., would continue.

Yet American business is more “green friendly” than any of these places.  So, instead of America leading the way economically and environmentally through a moderate environmental policy that preserves both prosperity and decent conservation, we would crash into a floundering, second-rate, large third-world country run by fourth-rate bureaucrats of the type created in even more abundance by McKibben’s brummagem idea.

But since both Obama and McCain have bought into the global “warming” voodoo, we’re likely to get something of the strichnine prescription that Dr. McKibben prescribes.

So, after you get fired from your job during the coming, government-caused Depression, pick up your shovel get ready too save the environment for the McKibben Corps.

One Response to “WHAT global warming?”

  1. Adam Says:

    Seriously, the whole cause of environmentalism would probably be better off if all mention of global warming were replaced with the mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Don’t buy what you don’t need, use up what you have, and recycle what you can.

    But the environmentalists can’t use scare tactics for that, so we are where we are.

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