McCain, Obama commercials

I try to avoid watching TV, but saw it a few times in recent days. Two campaign commercials stuck out.

In McCain’s commercial, he’s attacking Obama for not backing the surge, which is “working.” (Never mind that the surge didn’t work, but failed. And never mind that Obama flip-flopped, and recently said the surge “has succeeded.” And really never mind that McCain himself, on Feb. 8, 2007, said he doubted the surge included enough troops.)

The real problem is that, as most Americans now think the Iraq War was a huge mistake, McCain is tying himself to what Americans oppose.

Obama’s commercial, by contrast, successfully tied McCain to the failed economic policies of recent years. (Never mind that Obama’s solutions would bring more of the socialism that caused the problems).

The commercial points out that McCain’s top advisers include investment bankers who will be bailed out. It closes with a picture of McCain and President Bush smiling, apparently on the White House front porch. So it ties McCain, also, to a highly unpopular president.

As I predicted, when the end got near, Obama’s campaign would focus on the economy with full force.

McCain, who floundered last week, showing his own admitted ignorance of economics, just can’t keep his focus off his real passion: Invading countries that are no threat to us and fighting there forever until America is totally bankrupt.

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