Democrats’ platform: abortion, war, feminazism, anti-white racism, tax increases

I’ve been predicting a victory by Obama, but I might be wrong. Democrats again are bungling what should be a sure victory over Republicans. But Republican campaign managers know the mechanics of victory and pursue them with ruthless efficiency. McCain is supposed to be a “change” from Bush’s 8 years of disastrous policies. But McCain’s campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, ran Bush’s War Room in 2004.

So there isn’t any “change,” but the efficient, cynical management of perception.

But so far, Obama is running for Mayor of San Francisco.

Who knows, Obama still might pull it off. The economy continues to slide. Bush just started another war, in Pakistan, after losing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. McCain could make a big gaffe, or do badly in the debates. And the two previous incompetent Democratic candidates, Gore and Kerry, each almost won.

But for now, a good analysis of the Democrats’ disaster comes today from Lew Rockwell’s blog:

Democrats coasting to defeat

Posted by Ryan W. McMaken at September 14, 2008 12:33 AM

Everywhere I look, the polls show the Republicans surging and the Democrats receding at every level. How did the Dems manage to pull this off? In year 8 of the most unpopular GOP president since Nixon, the Dems look like they’re about to lose the presidency yet again. And, if the current trend keeps up, they’ll make far fewer gains in Congress than they’d hoped for.

Perhaps it’s their clueless platform. I’ll summarize.

The Dem platform:

1. Abortion: we love it. Everyone should have one. Anytime anywhere! More abortion! We love it! Hurray abortion! Sire, half the country is heartily opposed, but our funders tell us it’s a winning issue.

2. We hate all women who aren’t exactly like Hillary Clinton. See Bill Anderson on this one.

3. Sure, we’re in the middle of the most unpopular war in American history, but we’re too stupid to come out and say we’re opposed to it. So you might as well vote for the GOP.

4. We hate white (i.e. Anglo) people. Sure, they make up the majority of the electorate in most states, but we can’t be bothered with those people unless they have ivy league degrees.

5. Raise taxes! Every candidates that runs on raising taxes wins, right? Right? Right?

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