I hate to tell you this, but Sarah Palin could get us all killed…

As I’ve written in previous blogs, I like Sarah Palin. But it turns out she is dangerously naive, or misinformed, about the most serious matters of foreign policy. Republicans and conservatives are so smitten with her that they don’t want to hear this — or don’t care.

Here’s what she said about Russia and Georgia, reported in the Financial Times:

Sarah Palin, the running mate of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, on Thursday said the US would be obligated to go to war with Russia if it invaded a Nato ally – a status she advocated for Georgia,

“I mean, that is the agreement when you are a Nato ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help,” she told ABC’s Charlie Gibson.

“We have got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable.”

Except the Russians have 10,000 nukes.

This must be the party line she’s getting from McCain’s top foreign-policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, a paid agent of the government of Georgia.

Moreover, Georgia — a country most Americans never even heard about until last month — isn’t “democratic,” but a dictatorship and tyranny:

Ballot-box stuffing, beatings of opposition activists, biased news coverage and government officials campaigning for President Mikheil Saakashvili‘s party tainted Georgia’s parliamentary elections this year, Europe’s main election watchdog said on Tuesday.

And, contra what Sarah said, the war was not “unprovoked,” but provoked by Georgia invading South Ossetia.

McCain, a mentally unstable hothead, also wants to get us nuked by Russia.

So, here’s how it works, America:

Scheunemann gets rich on Georgia’s cash (which comes, ultimately, from U.S. taxpayers). He, McCain, and Palin are sitting in a bunker while a nuclear bomb drops on your home.

Palin still believes Iraq lie

One of the biggest lies of the Iraq War was how, early on, the Bush regime tried to pin the 9/11 attack on Saddam. After a while, even Bush stopped maintaining that lie, and admitted there was no connection — five years ago.

But Palin still believes it.

The question now is whether Obama, lately Candidate Klutz, and sidekick Biden can take advantage of the nuttiness of McCain and Palin.

It’s amazing, but Democrats have found the two worst candidates possible to run for these offices — except for the two Republicans.

One Response to “I hate to tell you this, but Sarah Palin could get us all killed…”

  1. Ken Williamson Says:

    Palin is merely a distraction for the media. McCain has nothing to offer America if he is elected, so any time spent focusing on Palin is time not spent focusing on McCain.

    The real issue is that McCain has no plan for America. That is obvious if you listen to his acceptance speech.

    I blogged about this on http://www.posterspost.com
    Check it out.

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