Palin, Romney, GOP vs. the Bill of Rights

I watched the GOP convention tonight and was not surprised, but still dismayed, at the attacks by the speakers on America liberties. Romney and Palin both attacked the rights of “terrorists” to constitutional protections.

Romney blabbed:

Is a Supreme Court liberal or conservative that awards Guantanamo terrorists with constitution rights?

Palin chirped of Obama:

Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights?

Both times, I noticed the crowd at Nuremberg — excuse me, St. Paul — rabidly cheering these attacks on American liberties.

What Palin and Romney did not note is that a “terrorist” is anyone the president says is a terrorist. Although this possibly was slightly reduced by a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, anyone in the world, including American citizens, could be branded a “terrorist” and held, possibly indefinitely, in detention. Even Romney and Palin might be held that way, never to be heard from again.

And as H.L. Mencken pointed out, the test cases of liberty seldom involve the top people, but those at the margins, or even at the bottom. If everyone deserves the same rights, then everyone’s rights must be defended. And “everyone” includes even real terrorists.

It’s not surprising that, under Bush, first “terrorists,” real and imagined, had their rights abridged, then everybody else did, too. As Glenn Greenwald has reported on the scene from Minneapolis — here, and here, and here — even peaceful protesters’ houses have been raided before the convention  even began, and reporters were arrested.

Palin: Nice lady, bad company

Palin gave a great speech. But her foreign policy and civil rights sections clearly were written by the anti-American Neocons who run McCain’s campaign, and who hate our liberties with a passion. She’s a nice lady who’s put in with a bad crowd, as Lew Rockwell pointed out.

Palin’s nickname is “the Barracuda.” But even a barracuda would be devoured by a gang of killer sharks — in this case, Bush, Cheney, McCain, Lieberman, and the Neocons.

If America is about anything, it’s liberty protected by the Bill of Rights. Bush, Cheney, McCain and the others have spent the past 8 years assaulting the Bill of Rights as it never has been in our history.

Romney’s ambition

The oleagenous Romney also said:

John McCain hit the nail on the head: radical violent Islam is evil, and he will defeat it!

That’s rich coming from a Mormon. Like Islam, it has a history of polygyny (although Muslims can have only 4 wives), bans booze, and has some terrorism in its past.  And a lot of Republicans consider Mormonism a cult (see comments section here).

I don’t have anything against Mormons myself, I’m just pointing out that, if Mormons were judged by Romney’s rhetoric, he might end up at Guantanamo just for that.

Most of his speech was a preparation for a presidential run in 2012 by continually saying conservatism is better than the liberalism of Obama. But just 2 years ago he was a liberal himself.

What a night

Republicans at the convention must be feeling so giddy tonight they could float up to the moon.

But if you believe in America’s principles and tradition of liberty, it was a night to despair.

6 Responses to “Palin, Romney, GOP vs. the Bill of Rights”

  1. Jim Rongstad Says:

    Grrr, the convention is in St. Paul not Minneapolis.

  2. kritarchist Says:

    I just want to make clear one thing — these rights are not “Constitutional” rights, in that they come from the Constitution. They are human rights, God-given, natural rights, which we have because we (all of us) are human beings. The Bill of Rights RECOGNIZES these rights; it does not GRANT them.

  3. joe Says:

    According to the mainstream media, the major scandals about Palin are that she lied to protect her grandchild and tried to fire the guy who abused her sister. To me, those are reasons to vote for her.

    Left unmentioned by the media is the scandal that she is a supporter of imperial war and repression.

    I have to wonder if the media is secretly pro-McCain, and what kind of marching orders they got from their masters.

  4. Matthew Says:

    The destruction of America has been bipartisan for the longest time. You just gotta get over that.

  5. William Says:

    Exactly correct:”human rights, God-given, natural rights, which we have because we (all of us) are human beings. The Bill of Rights RECOGNIZES these rights; it does not GRANT them.” I wonder if the Russians are waterboarding our advisors, captured in Georgia, after all, BABYBush has opened THAT door.

  6. Eric G Says:

    Why must you direct comments about Romney’s evils against all of his faith? I agree, he is an evil man… but does that mean you should insult us COMMITED LDS Patriots? Besides that, your comments are, as is common, entirely mislead and misleading. (For more info, please click on my name above.)
    John replies: In my post, I did NOT insult Mormons. Instead I was pointing to Romney’s insult to Muslims, and that his attack on our America freedoms could end up backfiring against him and other Mormons.
    Let me add that, as a Catholic, I especially admire Mormons’ dedication to family.
    But I find it curious, though not surprising, that so many Mormons supported their coreligionist, especially in Utah, when he was an extreme pro-abortion backer just 2 years ago before his presidential ambitions overcame him. Even if his conversion is sincere, shouldn’t he have proven it by working for pro-life causes for a few years?
    And, yes, I’m well aware that pro-abortion “Catholics” like Biden, Kennedy, Schwarzenegger, etc., have been treated lightly by my church, although that seems to be changing.

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